Letter 14 / 15

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You've been gone a year and half.
But me and James got a divorce.
He cheated on me with some slut.
I got the kids and he moved.
Your sister Sydnie has been helping me out.
Your whole family has and mine.
The boys to.
We still are a band and my mom watches the twins when I have to do band things.

Your mom loves them she loves how I named them after you.
Isla and Reese say they're the aunts.
Reese knew about me and you so she's told me a couple times that you are still my boyfriend and the dad to the twins.

Hey jack it's been 4 years now.
The twins are 2.
I'm still a single father.
Corbyn got married to Christina.
Jonah and Tate did too.
Daniel married his bestfriend Angi.

We've toured 2 times since the last one.
But you know I'm just now turning 20 and I have twins.
Right now it's the anniversary of your death.
The anniversary of our date.

I'm taking the kids with me to see you.
We always come up here atleast 2 times a month.
This time is different everyone is coming.
The boys and their wife's.
Mine and your families.

Oh jack.
I cried while seeing you today.
I felt you there the whole time.
You held onto my arm the whole time.
I couldn't help but cry.
You are always with me I know that but this time it felt different.
I guess since everyone was there it was.
Jack Robert Avery.
I love you.

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