Letter 13

305 16 4

Hey jack.
You've been gone for 2 years now.
Me and James are adopting.
We found out their twins.
A boy and a girl.
The mom couldn't take care of them.
Their only a month old.
I think you sent them to me because the girl has your eyes and the boy had your smile.
I named them after you.
James didn't care.
The girl is Avery Grace Herron.
The boy is Jackson Dean Herron.
I couldn't name him jack because It felt to wrong.
And I never took James last name.
I couldn't I felt like it would be weird because I always planned to have yours.

Me and James moved out of the Why Don't We house a couple months ago.
We got our own house.

But the boys let me take your things.
I got your rings and your pictures.
I also have the matching lock necklace we all had.
I never take it off.
I really do miss you jack.

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