Hate pt.1

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Kill yourself

Tears sprung to SunHee's eyes. The hate went on and on with every scroll of her finger. No matter how far SunHee went, the only comments were hate. At this point she wasn't sad, she wasn't mad, she was numb. SunHee threw her phone on the bed and stood up. Stepping infront of the mirror, she brought her hands to her stomach. All she could see was fat. She bent down and pulled the scale infront of her. Stepping on, the looked back towards the mirror for a second. The scale beeped and she looked down at the number. 105 flashed on the little screen. A gasp emitted from her lips. How could I let myself get this fat. No wonder why everyone hates me. She stepped off and sunk to the ground. A small sob could be heard from SunHee's mouth. She put her head in her hands and cried.


"Dinners done!" Seokjin's voice rang through the house. A knock scared SunHee from her light sleep.
"SunHee Jin hyung wanted me to tell you dinner is done." Namjoon knocked once again on the door.
"I'm not hungry oppa. I ate earlier." Namjoon sighed but turned away. "Okay come down if you want." Why can't you just be perfect. Why can't you do anything right. The need of euphoria was insane in her heart. She would do anything to feel something. Her eyes landed to the bathroom. I shouldn't but I need it. I need SOMETHING. She stood up and walked into her bathroom. Opening the cabinet, SunHee sighed. She took the blade from the little plastic container and sat against the door. I need it. The sharp, cold blade touched her thigh. Euphoria. A sigh of relief escaped SunHee's mouth. An instant sense of euphoria wracked throughout SunHee's body. The blade kept hitting her thighs until there wasn't any room left to cut. She watched the blood for a second before she reached back into the shelf to grab Band-Aids and medicine. A frown rose to her lips as she wiped away the blood. She dressed her thighs and stood up. She groaned but continued out to her room. She put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt before walking downstairs towards the small gym they had.


5 hours of intense workouts and running over her dancing, SunHee collapsed on the floor panting. There wasn't one muscle in her body that wasn't sore and hurting. The pain was so intense that tears ran down the girls face. She walked back up to her room and stepped back on the scale. 102 burned in SunHee's brain. Not even close. If I want to be pretty and if I want army to like me then I need to be skinny. 

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