The Barrons...Wait the Sewers?

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"Take everything but the Delicious Deals, okay?" Eddie told the group as they stocked up on treats for their "trip".

"Our mom loves them." Ella nodded.

"Hey, first you said the Barrens and now you're saying the sewer, I mean," Eddie paused, "what if we get caught?"

"We won't Eddie." Bill assured, "The sewers are public works, we're the public aren't we?" He smartly replied, shrugging.

"It'll be okay Eds." Ella smiled at her brother, he smiled back. Richie then opened a cabinet filled with different medication.

"Hey Eddie, these birth control pills?" Richie asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I'm saving them for your sister." Eddie replied annoyed, Ella let out a soft laugh as Eddie closed the cabinet door, "This is private stuff." Eddie finished. They all walked out of the kitchen, satisfied on their gathering of food to snack on. They were about the walk out the door when Ella and Eddie's mom stopped them.

"Eddie-bear, Ella-monkey, where you guys off to in such a rush?" She asked painting her nails. Ella cringed at the old nicknames for her and her brother.

"Um, j-j-just my backyard, Mrs. K." Bill answered for the twins, "I got a new..." Bill started, he was unsure of what else to say, Ella stepped in,

"A new croquet set." She smiled sweetly.

"Jeez spit it out B-B-Bill." Richie said mockingly to make Ella's lie more believable.

"Okay." Mrs. K. said believing the kids, "Oh, and sweetie, don't go rolling around on the grass especially if it's just been cut. You know how bad your allergies can get. Ella, watch out for him okay?" Ella nodded.

"Mom, I'm older than her!" Eddie argued.

"Of course mom." Ella smiled elbowing Eddie. They were about to leave again when Mrs. K. spoke yet again.

"Aren't you two forgetting something?" Ella and Eddie exchanged a glance and inwardly sighed as they walked over to their mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek each. They quickly rushed over to Bill and Richie partly embarrassed. Richie was snickering,

"Do you want one from me too, Mrs. K.?" He offered, Ella pinched his arm a little and shoved him out the door aggressively. Bill and Eddie followed, the Kasprak mom laughed a bit at Richie's behavior but went back to watching TV and painting her nails.

"Sorry mom(my)!" Ella and Eddie called before shutting the door. They met up with Stan halfway and rode their bikes and in Ella's case, skateboard, to the sewers. Stan then began to falsely explain what the flowers and bushes were and if they were dangerous or not.

"That's poison ivy," Stan told everyone pointing to a bush, "and that's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy." Stan would continue to repeat pointing at every bush around the five.

"Where?" Eddie asked, "Where's the poison ivy?" He frantically looked around, scared he would touch it or something.

"Nowhere Eds." Ella reassures, "Not every single plant is poison ivy Stanly." Richie shook his head also annoyed at Stan's false statements. He and Bill started walking into the sewers, Ella slowly following behind.

"Well I'm starting to get itchy now, and I'm pretty sure that is no-" Eddie started ut Richie cut him off.

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" He asks, Eddie looks at the boy confused.

"Sometimes, yeah." Eddie answers.

"Then you probably have crabs." Richie said.

"Richie that is not funny." Ella sighs. Richie ignored her comment,

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