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"Ella! Wake up you dumb monkey!" Eddie yelled to his sister.

"Dammit Eddie I'm up!" Ella yelled back.

"Well hurry up! Eat the breakfast I beautifully prepared and get changed to go."

"Okay okay." Ella sighed and grabbed clothes to wear to the quarry.

"I said eat first!" Eddie reminded.

"This is going to take THREE seconds calm down." Ella sighed and went into the bathroom to change. Eddie grumbled and sat back down at the table and ate the food he made. Ella walked out soon after and sat down with him.

"What time do you have to leave?" Ella asked taking a bite of the toast Eddie prepared.


    "That's in two minutes!"

"I know."

"Eddie I still need to do other things!"

"I woke up an hour ago, I did what you told me."

"Ugh Eddie!"

"I'm kidding, Richie said to meet them at ten fifteen."


"What? It's funny when you get stressed." Eddie laughs.

"This food isn't your best work." Ella says smugly.

"Take that back."


"Be that way then." Eddie said looking away.

" 'I'm kidding' " Ella mocks in a higher voice than herself.

"Whatever Ella, we have to leave in ten minutes." Ella nodded. She finished her food and rushed to brush her hair and stuff like that. Eddie was already ready to leave so he cleaned up their plates. At ten ten the twins left their house after saying bye to their mom.

"Hey guys." Ella waves as her and her brother show up.

"Kaspraks!" Richie yelled excited to see his best friends.

"You guys are twins right?" Ben asked.

"You mean it's that easy to tell I look like that?" Ella sighs and points to Eddie.

"Didn't you already ask that?" Stan asked.

"He asked if we were siblings, not twins." Eddie replied and Stan nodded.

"They are twins, Eddie's older but Ella's cooler." Richie jokes.

"And taller." Bill adds showing up.

"Barely!" Eddie argued.

"But I am." Ella gloats. Everyone laughs at the twins arguing and strips the their undergarments to swim. The five boys were all in white underwear and Ella was wearing black underwear and matching bra.

"Who wants to play loogie?" Eddie asked.

"You guys can be gross, let me know when we're gonna jump." Ella cringes and sits down on a nearby log. The boys spat as far as they could and Eddie and Richie ended up arguing about the rules of the game.

"Who's gonna go first?" Ben asked stopping their arguing. The boy stayed silent, soon enough Beverly showed up and spoke,

"We will!" She called and her dress dropped. The boys had wide eyes and Ella was confused at the 'we'. Beverly ran out of her dress and grabbed Ella's hand pulling her along.

"What the hell?!" Ella screamed before she was forced to jump off the edge.

"Sissies." Beverly spoke and jumped.

It 2017 // Ella Kaspbrak (completed)Where stories live. Discover now