Hanscome Home & Neibolt St. Scare

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When arriving they all haphazardly throw their bikes down, except for Stan, who sets his up neatly, and Ella, who lays her skateboard on her brothers bike. The Losers don't notice a missing sign for Patrick Hockstetter, a bully from the Bowers gang, they simply run into the house. Ben goes first and picks up anything off the ground and shoves it into his closet.

"Woah." Richie says walking into Ben's room with Eddie and Ella next to him. There are posters, pictures, and articles everywhere on the walls in Ben's room.

"Cool huh?" Ben asked, Richie shook his head,

"No, nothing cool, nothing cool." Richie replied being rude but not noticing.

"What's that?" Stan asked and pointed to a picture on the wall.

"Oh, that? That's the charter for the Derry township." Ben answered,

"Tch, nerd alert." Richie snickers

"Richie, don't be rude" Ella whispers.

"No actually, it's really interesting." Ben replied to Tozier.

"Derry started as a beaver trapping camp."

"Still is am I right boys?" Richie got no response from that, only looks.

"Ninety one people signed the charter that made Derry, but later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace."

"The entire camp?" Eddie asks in astonishment

"All ninety one?" Ella also asks in astonishment, Ben nods.

"There are rumors of Indians but, no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something, but it's like one day everyone just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house."

"Jesus." Richie said. Ella and Eddie looked at each other and frowned a bit.

"W-where's the Well House?" Bill asks.

"I don't know, somewhere in town I guess." Ben shrugs, "why?"

"Nothing." Bill answers. That was the end of Ben's house. Everyone left and Ella and Eddie were walking home together.


The Kaspbraks were passing the house on Neibolt street, Ella and Eddie both hate that house. Ella looked at the house and walked closer to her brother and grabbed his arm in fear.

"You okay?" He asked her.

"This house, it's scary." Ella responded. Suddenly Eddie's watch timer beeped.

"I have to take a pill." Eddie sighed, Ella looked worried.

"Okay okay, hurry up please." Eddie was nervous and dropped all his pills on the ground.

"Shit." Eddie cursed, Ella bent down to pick them up along with Eddie. They picked them all up and put them back into the container. When the twins stood up, they were met with the face of a leaper, Eddie's greatest fear. He screamed and so did Ella, they both took off running with the leaper close behind. The two ran up against a fence and the leaper morphed into a clown with balloons.

"Where are you going Eddie? Ella? If you lived here you'd be home right now! Come join us here! We all float! Come join the clowns Eddie and Ella! We all float down here yes we do!" The clown repeated. Eddie was freaking out and Ella was on the verge of tears. They both went through a hole in the fence and booked it down the road. They stopped so they didn't pass out. Eddie's fear was that leaper, Ella's was seeing her brother afraid, hurt, or gone.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked his sister breathless. Ella hugged Eddie tight.

"Eds was that real?" She asked close to tears.

"I don't know monkey, I don't know." He replied.

"Let's go home okay?" Ella said.

"Yeah, let's go." Eddie nodded. They both went home and stayed close to each other the whole walk. They didn't know if the experience was real, they never spoke of it, they played it off as a bad dream. The Kaspraks hung out with Richie for the next few weeks. Stan was busy with becoming a man and didn't really have time to hang out much but did when he could, Ben was researching stuff at the library, Beverly would hang out with Ella occasionally, Bill would stop by the arcade every now and then.

-six hundered fifty words-


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