The Final Battle

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"Georgie..." Bill started.

"What took you so long?" Georgie whined.

"I was looking for you this whole time," Bill replied trying not to cry.

"I couldn't find my way outta here. He said I could have my boat back, Billy." Georgie walked closer to Bill. The Losers were skeptical of this encounterment.

"Was she fast?" Bill asked smiling down at the boat.

"I couldn't keep up with it." Georgie looked up at Bill with sad eyes.

"'She' Georgie. You call boats 'she'."

"Take me home, Billy." The Losers all walked closer to Bill. They could not even believe what was happening at this given time. "I wanna go home." Georgie said tearfully. Bill started to cry, "I miss you. I wanna be with mom and dad." Georgie was now sobbing as well.

"I want more than anything for you to be home. With mom and dad, I miss you so much." Bill said walking closer to Georgie, the Losers wanted to warn him, but they couldn't.

"I love you, Billy." Georgie said.

"I love you too." Bill then pulled out Mike's gun and cocked it. "But you aren't Georgie." Every Loser's eyes went as big as saucers and Bill's actions. Bill then fired the gun right in between Georgie's eyes. Georgie fell on the ground. It was silently as everyone was in complete and utter shock at what had just happened. Suddenly Georgie's body started shaking rapidly. He screamed out and his limbs turned into a small teen boys limbs, Ella's eyes went wide.

"I'm not in the mood for this bullshit." Ella says coldly, "Eddie's fine.". Bill hands her the gun he just used on 'Georgie' and she held it up to 'Eddie'.

"Too bad Monkey." 'Eddie' said and went to attack me but he couldn't move.

"Kill it!" The Losers screamed in unison.

"I'm not afraid." Ella said and pulled the trigger. She then realized that the gun wasn't loaded when she shot and nothing came out, but the clown was clearly hurt. 'Eddie' changed into Pennywise. Everyone was in a confused state.

"It wasn't loaded..." Mike trailed off.

"Holy fuck." Richie exclaimed. Pennywise's wound had a dark substance coming out of it. He started wailing and throwing his arms. He ran towards Ella and Bill.

"Ella! Bill! Watch out!" Richie yelled. Ella stabbed the gun into the clown's mouth.

"Leave them alone!" Beverly exclaimed as she took a bat and swung at Pennywise. The clown swung Beverly into a pile of junk. Mike tried to slam a crowbar over Pennywise's head but Pennywise grabbed it and threw it out of Mike's hand. Bill grabbed the crowbar and handed it to me secretly. Ella was behind the clown and pushed it up against his throat. Pennywise flipped Ella over him and did the same thing to her. She was now in a chokehold with Pennywise. Eddie and Richie were the most scared and upset at this.

"Ella!" The Losers screamed at once.

"Let her go!" Eddie yelled pissed off.

"No. I'll take him. I'll take all of you. And I'll feast on your flesh as I feed on your fear." Pennywise shook his finger. "Or you'll just leave us be. I will only take her, only her and then I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and lead happy lives until old agee takes you back to the weeds." Pennywise continued rubbing my face painfully.

"Guys, go. It's alright, I'll be alright. You seven can live until you're all 100 years old, my one life in't worth all of yours." Ella says hoping they'll leave.

"'My one life in't worth all of yours'" Pennywise imitated Ella.

"Leave!" She yelled again.

"Guys will not leave!!" Eddie frantically yelled.

"I told you Bill! I fucking told you. I don't want to die. It's all your fault. You tried to punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me to a fucking crackhead house, and now I'm going to have to kill this fucking clown to save our friend." Richie said grabbing the bat Beverly had. "Welcome to the Loser Club, asshole!" He yelled while swinging the bat hitting Pennywise in the face.

Ben grabbed onto Pennywise's arm and he turned into a mummy. The Pennywise mummy wraps went around Ben's head and the mummy started trying to eat Ben's face off. Ella had time to get out of the clowns arms. Mike got up and grabbed some chains. He slammed them into the wraps. The wraps then turned into Mike's late parents burnt hands. Stan grabbed a wrench and hit the hands. The clown turned into Stan's creepy flute lady. She ran towards Stan and he ducked. Ella ran up to the clown who changed into a dead looking Eddie, she stabbed her in the back. Pennywise roared and blood started pouring out and floating up.

Ella stepped back and Richie threw the baseball bat to me. She caught it and swung at Pennywise. He fell to the ground and everyone was watching him with whatever they could. Pennywise coughed and threw up all over Eddie.

"Now I'm really gonna kill you!" Eddie screamed at the top of his lungs and kicked the clown in the face. The clown rolled over and then had the face of Beverly's dad.

"Hey Bevy, are you still my little g-" Beverly cut him off by shoving a spike down his throat. The clown gagged and spit out the spike. He flipped over and sat up against an opening to under the well. He was shaking rapidly and gasped for air. He smiled and chuckled manically.

"That's why Beverly and Ella didn't die. They weren't afraid. Neither are we, not anymore. Now you're the one who's afraid because you're gonna starve." Bill realized. Pennywise flipped into the opening and hung on with his hands. Ella handed the bat to Bill and he went to swing at Pennywise but he already had fallen down further. Pennywise looked up at Bill, weak and unable to do much.

"Fear." Pennywise said and fell down into the opening of the well. Everyone looked into the opening and saw nothing, they felt peace for a second.

"I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay." Richie said. Ella hugged him and her brother glad that was over.

"Thank you Richie." She breathed in his shoulder. The hug was released and something caught the eldest Kaspbraks eye.

"Guys, guys. The kids are floating down." Eddie pointed out. Bill walked over at a yellow coat. The Losers all joined a group hugged as Bill cried into the raincoat that belonged to his late brother Georgie, the death Bill accepts now.

-one thousand ninety-four words-


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