Bathrooms & Rock Wars

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It wasn't until July when Beverly called everyone to her apartment for something urgent. The Kaspbraks, Richie, Stan, Bill, and Ben all ride to Beverly's appartement together. When they arrive she comes down her stairs frantically almost,

"I need to show you guys something." She said.

"Okay so what is it?" Ella asks her.

"More than we saw at the quarry?" Richie asked smirking.

"Shut up pervert." Ella quietly said and hit him over the head.

"Shut up! Just shut up Richie!" Eddie scolded.

"It's something I need you guys to see for yourselves." Beverly responded.

"Alright then." Ben agreed.

"My dad would kill me if he knew I had boys in the apartament." Beverly admitted.

"Then we'll leave a look out," Bill started, "R-R-R-Richie stay out here." He said and everyone went to go walk up the steps, Richie threw his hands up.

"Woah woah woah," He stated, "What if her dad comes back?"

"Do what you always do!" Stan said, "Start talking." Ella laughed at Stan's comment and Richie sighed in defeat. The others walked up the apartment steps,

"It is a gift..." Richie trailed off as the others walked. Beverly led the five into her bathroom that was covered in blood.

"You see it?" She asked at their shocked faces.

"Yeah." Eddie and Ella said in unison.

"What happened in here?" Stan asked.

"My dad couldn't see it. I thought I might be crazy." Beverly sighed in relief.

"Well, if you're crazy, then we're all crazy." Ben said with a small smile.

"We c-can't leave it like t-this." Bill said. The others nodded and started to grab things to clean up Beverly's bathroom. Beverly had the sink and it's mirror, Stan got the bathroom window, the Kaspbraks cleaned the floor, Bill mopped, and Ben was cleaning the shower curtain. The cleaning took about half an hour and when done everyone smiled proudly at their work.

"Never thought I'd clean your bathroom Beverly, not gonna lie." Ella laughed.

"I never thought I'd have to have you clean it." Beverly laughed as well.

"Let's get back to Richie." Eddie said and the others left to meet up with Richie who was bored out of his mind.

"You know I really appreciated being your personal doorman, really! I mean could you idiots take any longer?" Richie asks circling us with his bike.

"Shut up Richie." Stan say.

"Yeah Rich c'mon it was only thirty minutes." Ella sighs being rational.

"Oh I get it, trash the trashmouth alright. Hey I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floor imagining that her sink went all Eddie's moms vagina on Halloween." Richie yelled.

"She didn't imagine it," Bill spoke stopping, "I s-s-s-saw it too."

"You say blood too?" Stan asked also stopped.

"Not blood. I s-s-saw G-georgie. It seemed s-s-so real. I mean it s-s-seemed like him but there was this-" Bill started but Eddie cut him off.

"Clown, yeah we saw him too." Eddie finished glancing at Ella who nodded.

"It was creepy." Ella spoke, Stan and Ben nodding confirming they had saw something that had scared them as well.

"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" Richie asks, they Losers roll their eyes and notice Belch's car and the homeschooled kid, Mike's bike.

"Hey isn't that Belch's car? And-" Stan starts,

"Homeschool's bike." Ella finishes.

"This can't be good." Eddie says.

"Well, let's see then." Ella orders and gets off her skateboard. The others do the same with their bikes, all but Stan haphazardly throws them down, Ella sets her board on her brothers bike and they all head into the bushes. Mike was pinned onto the ground by Bowers about the get a rock smashed onto his head, Ella grabs a rock from the ground and chucks it at Henry head and hits him perfectly.

"Nice shot sis." Eddie congratulates.

"Thanks." Ella smiles. The Losers are now all in line formation as Mike safely makes it over to their side.

"What do we have here? Two sluts in a group of boys. They must be having so much fun with two pretty girls, especially you Marsh." Henry winks and grabs his guy place.

"Fuck off." Ella sighs.

"C'mon Marsh. I know you want me, let's start where we left off last time?" Henry insists and fake lifts up his shirt, Ella is livid for her friend as is Beverly.

"You too Kaspbrak." Victor says to Ella, Eddie is fuming at that add on. Everyone gets handed a rock, Beverly and Ella share a glance and throw their rocks at the same time.

"Rock war!" Richie yells and gets hit in the head with a rock. The Bowers Gang and the Losers are in a heated rock war and after a few minutes, the Losers win. They all turn leave and Richie flips them off before he goes.

"Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie yells at Bowers.

"Thanks guys, but you shouldn't have done that. He'll be after you guys now." Mike warns the Losers. He didn't know they had gotten picked on too.

"Ah no Bowers? He already has problems with us." Ella assure.

"We all get pi-picked on by Henry's g-gang. That's s-something we all have in c-common." Bill says way too proudly says to Mike when they're walking.

"Yeah homeschool. Welcome to the Loser Club!" Richie says and pats Mike's back.

-eight hundered sixty four-


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