Problematic Projector

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Bill suggests they go to his house and look at maps and things that he has. They agree and are heading over.

"What are you afraid of?" Eddie whispers to Ella.

"Well one of them is that I'm claustrophobic as hell."

"What's the other?" Eddie asks.

"You going missing, that would be the end of goofy 'ole Ella." She sighs. Eddie frowns.

"I have that same fear about you." He admits.

"We're going to be okay Ed's," Ella smiles, "we always are. Our friends have our backs, and we also have theirs."

"You're right." Eddie nods, Ella gives him a side hug and they arrive at Bill's garage. He shows them a map of Derry's sewers, he then turned on a project with a slide labeled 'Old Derry'. It was a map of the city.

"That's where G-Georgie w-went missing." Bill said and pointed to the storm drain marked on the map.

"There's the Ironwork, the Black Spot. Everywhere it happens, it all connected by the sewers and they all meet up at the..." Ella trails off.

"Well house." Bill finishes for her.

"That's the house on Neibolt street." Stan says.

"The creepy ass house where all the hobos and junkies sleep." Richie adds, Eddie takes another puff out of his inhaler, scared.

"I hate that place, I always feel like someone's watching me." Beverly says.

"Ditto." Ella agree.

"That's where we saw it... the clown." Eddie said in a shaky voice looking at his sister.

"Th-that's where It l-lives." Bill said, Eddie took another puff.

"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there..." Stan says, Eddie then got up and faced us all breathing heavy.

"Can we stop talking about this? I-I-I can barely breath. This is summer we're kids! I can't even breath! I'm having a fucking asthma attack! I'm not doing this!" Eddie screams and rips the map of the screen.

"Eddie put it back!" Bill yells.

"Eddie! Calm down!" Ella says and walks over to her twin pulling him over between Richie and herself.

"Guys." Ben says. The projector is flipping pictures on it's own.

"What the fuck?!" Richie and Ella yellin unison. The projector flips through pictures of Bill's family, it stops at an off guard picture. Eddie is holding onto Richie and Ella, Bill is standing. Everyone else is holding onto someone.

"Guys sit down!" Stan yells. The picture starts zooming into his moms face. It starts morphing into a clown.

"What is that!? What the fuck is that?!" Richie yells pulling the Kaspbraks close to him.

"I don't fucking know!" Eddie yells back. Pennywise is getting bigger and bigger.

"Turn it off!" Beverly yells. The clown then reaches, it gets Ella on her arm.

"Shit!" She yells.

"Fuck!" Richie yells. It has her arm until Bill opens the garage door and it goes away.

"Fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit!" Ella cries, her arm is bloody very bloody.

"Oh shit Ella!" Eddie yells very scared.

"Can anyone by any chance maybe...stop the damn bleeding!" Ella yells and they help her clean her wound.

"That was scary." Eddie sighs.

"I swear I didn't even see that coming." Ella exclaims standing up.

"Are y-you okay?" Bill asks his almost nine year friend.

"Yeah, thanks." Ella nods.

"We have to go to that house." Bill says. Everyone just reacts in complete shock.

"Huh?" Ella asks confused.

"It's summer-!" Richie starts but is cut off.

"If you s-say it's s-summer one m-more fucking time!" Bill says and gets on his bike.

"Bill" Beverly pleads. The Losers sigh and ride to the Well House after their friend.

-five hundered sixty-five words-


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