The Moment I Knew (A James Franco & Aaron Tveit FanFic)

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The sun shined through the window. Scarlett pulled the covers over her head to go back to sleep. Not even a minute went by and she was waken again. This time to the sound of her boyfriend’s voice. Who is her boyfriend? The one and only James Franco. 

“Why are you calling me?”

Scarlett acted like she was still asleep keeping her eyes open. She was awake hearing  James conversation.

“You know I can’t..”

“Okay fine I’ll see then.” James hang up the phone and looked over at Summer. He was hoping she was sound a sleep. James got up and started to get ready for the day.

Will today be different? Will he remember what today is? Do I tell him I know? No Scarlett today is the one day you can’t. 

Was the thoughts going through Scarlett’s mind as she was now waking up. James was in the bathroom. Scarlett got out of bed put her long blonde hair up on her head. As she garbed her robe and walked over to open the window. 

Beep beep was the good old sounds of New York City. 

Scarlett was looking out at the city and couldn’t believe she called New York her home. New York was nothing like Los Angeles California. More people, more noise and people in New York were always in a rush and rude. Deep down there was something about New York to Scarlett she couldn’t put her finger on it. New York felt like.... well... like home. The one place she felt she belonged. The last place she ever thought she be at.

“Their is my beautiful girlfriend.” James walked over to the window where Scarlett was standing.

Scarlett shut the window as she turned around she kissed James. 

“Aren’t you cold?”

“Nah I’m fine.” As Scarlett said those words she got chills as the cold air got to her. 

“I know you too well you're always cold.” James put a blanket over Scarlett.

Scarlett looked out the window and saw it was snowing.

“Oh my gosh it’s snowing!” Scarlett got excited like a little kid getting their favorite toy on Christmas. 

“Have you ever been to New York when it’s snowing?” 


“Oh you are in for a big surprise. Nothing like New York City and snow.”

Scarlett just moved out to New York to live with James two months ago.

“The snow is so pretty. I forgot how beautiful it is.” 

“I think New York is growing on you.” James came up behind Scarlett and kissed her neck. He knew the right spot to kiss too.

“I never said I didn’t like New York.”

“No, but L.A and Columbus are nothing like New York.” 

Scarlett kissed James and right when she thought they might.. well you know go all the way. James stopped kissing Scarlett.

“I have to go.” 

“Where are you going?”

“Got acting classes to teach today. An addition to go to. A few other things, I’m sorry.”

“No need to say sorry. I understand.”

“I know you do and that is why I love you.” James kissed Scarlett before he walked out the door. Scarlett just watched James walked out the door. As she sat down next to the window. The snow falling looked so beautiful. Yet Scarlett didn’t know how much longer she could stay in New York living with James. It wasn’t that he was always busy. So was Scarlett. It was that he was pushing her away. She doesn't understand why. Unless James was talking to another girl?

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