The Hunter's Girl Announcements

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There are a few things you should know about this fic.

1. It is coming to a close soon. It should end around anywhere from chapter 25 to chapter 30. It's sad that it's ending, but it's time. It's kinda dragging on, don't you think?

2. This is not my best work, by far. I'm actually not all that proud of it to be honest. The writing, mostly at the beginning, could benefit from a ton of improvement. 

3. I'm losing interest in Supernatural, which is why updates are so sparatic and hard to come by. The material on the show is, in a way, repeatitive and gets boring at times. I'm trying to ride this fic out in all it's glory, but I'm afraid that it might not do the characters justice. Even more so since I seem to make Dean out to be a big softy. None the less, if you think I can improve on anything in any chapters, please comment or message me with your opinions! I care a lot about them!

That's all for now! I'm glad I've been able to take this journey with all of you. I'm excited for this to get wrapped up and so that I can finally have a real, finished piece to call my own. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I love you all very much!

Until next time!~

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