Chapter 6 Reunion

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Special Thanks to my Beta Reader Fantasia Komix For fixing the grammar and other mistakes that I made when creating this chapter.


"Your friends are here."

Astrid was shocked, "how do you know?"

"I'm hearing voices and distinct growls, they're not Dragon Hunters. It's so quiet in the forest that it would be impossible for me to not hear them".

"So, what are you about to do?" asked Astrid.

"I might just give you some space if they do decide to attack, they're after you not me," I said. "I might just inform them that I can see them."

"So," I backed away from Astrid and yelled, "Alright you can come out now I know you're there!"

It was silent, for a moment they stopped moving.


Something was coming up on my right side behind me and I caught it. I looked to see what was in my hand. It was a tranquilizing dart.

"Plan B then!" I heard someone yell.

Before I knew it a Gronckle, a Nightmare, Zippleback and a Stormcutter with the Riders on top of them came out of nowhere and guarded themselves around Astrid.

Then the chief on top of his Sand Wrath landed right in front of me and snarled viciously at me. "Get Astrid away from here!" their chief shouted.

"Wait!" I screamed. I felt my anger about to take over. But before I had to chance to say what I was about to say his dragon shot a full power fire blast at me. I blocked it, the force of the blast knocked me over.

Burning was all I felt, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to; it felt like putting your hands in hot water for too long until it got uncomfortable.

"Toothless, why did you do that?" scolded their chief. His dragon barked at him and then looked at me, still growling.

I stood up and felt my anger about to take hold of me. I wasn't angry at the fact that his Dragon shot me. I was angry because they were making so much noise and they could have alerted the Dragon Hunters below us.

I looked behind and saw that the dragons around Astrid were quivering in fear. Turning back, I stared at the dragon before me snarling at me viciously. Its head and spine were glowing electric blue. Before I could act, I saw Astrid watching with concern in her eyes.

I tried to calm myself down. it was hard, I hadn't been that close to snapping in a while. I tried to talk, "You're here now! Don't you want to see why I was so desperate enough to take her as a hostage?!" I can feel a growl escape my throat with each word.

I caught the look in his eyes. He went to ask if I was okay but hesitated because he thought I was the enemy.

I can still see the steam coming off my arms; the only thing his dragon managed to do was singe a few hairs.

"Hiccup!" screamed Astrid as she marched towards us. "Why did you tell Toothless to shoot him?"

"I didn't, he acted on his own," replied her boyfriend. "Toothless would never shoot a person unless he was provoked."

"He sees me as a threat," I informed him, still trying to calm myself down. "When I get too angry, every Dragon around me senses my rage. Most cases they fear me; others like your dragon attack me. I'm pretty sure you read my diary after all."

The chief looked at me. "What do you want?"

I tried my best not to feel irritated. I walked up to him face-to-face as his Dragon growled at me and said, "Look over to that edge over there and find out for yourself."

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