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Drip. Drip. Drip

The sound of dripping water is all that greeted me in the darkness I awoke in. The only source of light being the sliver of light visible underneath the metal door that locks me in this cement cell. My mind is blank struggling to recall what recent torture I've been through that leaves me unable to even lift my head. All I feel is pain.

The sudden creak of a heavy metal door drew my attention. I look up from where I'm lying curled on my side in a pool of my own blood. It seems the cuts have stopped bleeding and have started to scab. After my eyes adjust to the sudden burst of light thats coming from the open door, I see the man that is the source of my suffering for the past four years. I've been able to keep track of how long I've been in this hell hole by the small calendar he keeps in his lab that he conducts his so called experiments in.

He appears around 40 - 50 years old and looks like a homeless man playing dress up as a doctor with his dirty lab coat thats stained with mine, along with others, blood. He has long wiry hair thats light brown dominated with streaks of gray and has a long beard to match. His dark beady eyes are behind a pair of glasses that are held together with tape in multiple places and has a lens that is cracked. His eyes are surrounded by wrinkles as he smiles at me with a sinister smirk, showing his rotting yellow teeth. Dude really needs to see a dentist.

He steps towards me and unlocks the chain that is around my leg. Don't really see the point of it considering Im locked in a cement box, behind an impenetrable door, while Im barely able to lift my hand up.

He hoists me up onto a wheelchair, he brings one when he knows his experiments went a little to far. Hopefully one of these days hell go so far that I won't wake up again. Wishful thinking.

We entered his lab which was a large white room. The wall across from the side we entered had a long counter that continues to the wall on the right. There were cabinets above and below the counter that were filled with chemicals and medical equipment. The wall on the left, also referred to as the wall of torture by me, contained multiples tools and instruments that are used to inflict pain. There is a variety of knifes, whips made of different materials, spikes, saws and much more. The center of the room has a large table with straps. Beside the table is a tray equipment that you would find in a hospital operating room. He has various pieces of equipment surrounding it that he uses to measure vitals.

He lifts me out of the chair to place me on the table. I shift my weight catching him off balance and slam into the tray with surgical equipment that he must have left out accidentally. Not being able to hold it in, I let out a groan of pain.

"My, my, not as strong-willed today are we," the son of a bitch says, laughing at my pain while he threw me onto the table and straps me to it.

Refusing to give him a reply, I chose to ignore him. It seems he doesn't like this. He grabs a pair of surgical scissors off the tray by the table and stabs it into my leg. I stop the scream that wants to leave my mouth by biting my lip until I tasted the coppery taste of my blood.

"Awe, I though that would have work. Not to worry," I'm sure you'll be screaming very soon. He goes to the wall on the right and grabs a vial out of the cupboard and takes a syringe out of the drawer. He fills the syringe with a transparent blue liquid that looks like Gatorade. He walks over to me, grabs a fistful of my hair and jerks my head to the left. He jabs the needle into my neck and injects the burning solution.

At first, I feel a slight burning sensation as the solution spreads throughout my body through my veins. The pain kept building by every passing second until I could no longer supress the screams that want to come out. The pain is so intense that every second, every minute that passes by feels never ending. After what felt like hours but was probably minutes, my vision started to blur and the edges started to get dark. I blacked out with my last thoughts being of the day he took me. How the things I was worried about then seem oh so insignificant now. I would do anything to get those worries back and to be rid of this nightmare Im currently living.

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