Five | New Home... For Now

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

What the hell is that annoying beeping? It sounds familiar, just at a slower pace than what I'm used to. The strangest part is I'm waking up to it. Dr. Edison doesn't keep me hooked up to the monitors after he's done. He usually dumps hydrogen peroxide on my wounds, so I don't die from an infection, then throws my limp, unconscious body back into the cell. So why the hell am I hearing that awful, irritating sound?

Bam. All the recent memories come crashing into my head. The escape, the woods, the almost rape, Clifford, then watching it kill the man before I blacking out. The question now is, what happened after the darkness took over?

I tried to open my eyes but found it to be a struggle. I felt them quiver from my perseverance, just to remain shut. I kept at it until I felt my crusty eyes open slowly, just to shut again from the bright white lights above me. After trying to open them a few more time, my eyes finally adjusted to the brightness and I am able to look around.

I'm lying in a hospital bed, wearing a light blue hospital gown. The walls are a bright white, and the floors are concrete that looks freshly waxed. To my right is an exam table that you would find in a doctors examination room, and beside that are the monitors and IV bag that's connected to my arm. The bag is filled with a clear fluid, connected to the back of my hand that had fingertips wrapped in bandages. The heart beat monitor is connected to the tip of my finger.

I know that I'm not back in the place that Dr. Edison kept me because the walls are not concrete, and the air is lacking the moldy, mildew scent that reminded persistent down there. I should be happy that I'm not there, and I am, but at the same time I'm scared shitless. I have no idea where I am and who brought me here. The logical thing that should have happened after I passed out, was being eaten by Clifford, but clearly that didn't happen.

After being put through everything that I have these past fear years, I'm not gonna lie or deny it, I have trauma. Serious trauma. I'm not ashamed to admit that, after everything I've been through it'd be weird if I didn't.

Instead of think about how kind the person who helped me is for doing so, all I can worry about is, why? Why would someone help me? Do they plan to hurt me too? Is everyone sick and twisted like Dr. Edison, or the first man I met after escaping him? If someone can be as fucked up as that psychopath, then couldn't everyone else also be, and if not to that degree then they probably will be to some, right? Will they want to torture me, physically or psychologically? Do they want to rape me? Did they treat me because they want me in perfect condition for what they have in store for me? With all these thoughts I've determined one thing. I have leave.

I rip out the IV in my hand, drawing blood as the needl tears my flesh from how roughly I removed it. I was surprised at first at how little pain I felt in my body, but they probably gave me drugs.

When I was first taken by Dr. Edison, he used to love luring me into a false sense of calm before he tortured me. Said something about how the added fear and distress heightened his pleasure. Maybe that's what this persons doing. Their making me think that I'm safe, that their trying to help me, then they're going to be like him and make me suffer. No. I will not let that happen. Not again.

I raised myself off the bed as I unclipped the heart monitor clip off my finger. The moment my feet touched the ground, I heard alarms go off. In a panic I tried to run for it, but my legs gave out when I put my full weight on them. I fell to the floor hard letting out a groan of pain.

The door flew open and in rushed a man with reddish blond hair. He had brownish green eyes that were framed in black framed glasses, and freckles covered his pale skin. He was wearing brown leather shoes, blue jeans, a crisp white dress shirt with the top two buttons undone, and a lab coat. A lab coat.

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