Four | Treatment

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James Hall

“What the fuck do you mean you can’t do anything?” I yelled at the doctor as she stood there, looking around scared.

“I-I'm s-s-sorry, but we d-don't have the required m-medication to help h-her,” she stuttered, affected by my Beta authority. Her wolf can feel the full force of my Beta power, and being the Alpha King’s Beta just makes it that much more intense.

“That’s bullshit! I remember going over your pack details, and even though humans are rare mates, I recall clearly that your pack has three! I doubt their mates would be fine with the hospital not being able to treat them.”

“W-we used to, b-but the Alpha kicked them o-out of the pack. With no humans, w-we d-didn't have any further use f-for the medication for them b-because the concentration is to w-weak to help wolves. T-the stuff we have is t-too strong to use on her. It would k-kill her.”

“Why the hell did he kick them out?”

“H-he wants to make o-our pack one of the strongest. He d-doesn’t want weak members, s-such as humans. He also k-kick out a few of our w-weakest omegas.”

I growled as I turned around, not wanting to waste anymore time. The tiny human girl in my arms was barely alive. Her heart beat was weakening with every minute that passes. I need to get her medical attention as soon as possible.

I ran to my black truck parked in front of their pack house. I placed her in the passenger seat as carefully as I could and buckled her seat belt over her body. I ran around to my side, started the truck, and put it in drive as fast as I could.

The pack, like all other packs, was located deep in a forested area, away from human activity. We don’t want to reveal ourselves to humans. Knowing them, they would probably declare war against our kind because they would feel threatened about how superior we are compared to them, they would be responsible for making us massacre so many their people in retaliation

I drove her to the nearest hospital that was a 25 minute drive if I drove well over the speed limit. The hospital is located in a decently populated city, not too crowded. It’s a big concrete building that’s painted white. There are rows of large windows that go across each floor, six in total.

I drive to the entrance of the emergency department while pulling out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I reached the one I wanted. Pressing the call button, I brought the phone to my ear with my right hand, while I still gripped the steering wheel with my left.

“Hey Steve, its James. I need a favor.”

“Sure, but I’m at work right now. It would have to wait until after I’m off.”

“No, that's perfect. I have a patient for you that’s in dire need for medical attention.”

“…And you need a favor for this? You know you could just walk in and they’d be happy to help you, right?”

“I’m not a dumbass Steven, but I think you might be tho. Do you really think I’d ask you if I could do that? Her condition would bring up too many questions I don't have the answers to. Just meet me outside the emergency entrance now,” I replied hanging up before he could reply.

Steven is a human doctor that I befriended a few years ago when I last had to visit Moon Star Pack. I had to deal with some business Zander couldn't bother doing himself.

I don’t like the packs Alpha. He thinks that him being an alpha puts him above me because Alphas are above Betas, even though I’m clearly the more powerful one. It pisses me off and I don’t have time to deal with him, so I simply bought a nice penthouse apartment suite in this city. That way I wouldn’t have to bother with him unless it’s for pack business.

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