Seven | Mate...?

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Alex Rakkar

I woke up screaming, crying, drenched in sweat, and shaking. How I wish it was because of another wet dream, but no it was a nightmare. I have been having them ever since I was kidnapped. At first I used to wake up a screaming crying mess, like I am now, but after I realized that I would never truly wake up from the nightmare, I stopped. I would still wake up shaking and covered in sweat, but I stopped with the screaming and crying. Now that I'm no longer there, the dreams once again make me scream and cry, fearing that I'll wake up in that cold cell once more. Now that I can wake from the nightmare, and it stays a nightmare, it terrifies me.

I sit up while groaning in pain. It seems the pain meds have worn off.

I get out of bed and wobble my way over to the bathroom. After doing my business, I brush my teeth and wash my face.

I exit the room, looking towards James' bedroom door. I pause and listen for any movements. When I hear none, I continue towards the kitchen. Once there, I find a change of clothes on the kitchen island, another shirt and pair of boxers. I pick up a note sitting on top of them.

I have to head out for work, I'll be back late. I've laid out your medication and a glass of water for you, make sure to take them. I also made you some breakfast and left it in the oven. Help yourself to anything, this is now your home too.


I look up and find the pills beside a glass of water by the clothes. I quickly take them, not wanting to feel the pain I currently am. I then head back to the room so that I could take a shower to clean off all the dried sweat I'm covered in.

While showering, my mind wanders off to the wet dream I had. Just thinking about it makes me wet and ache with need. I want to pleasure myself, but decide against it because of the pain I'm in. Maybe once the meds kick in.

I apply the prescribed cream to my wounds, and wrap new bandages on them before heading back to the kitchen to eat.

After finishing the breakfast James made me, which consisted of eggs, sausage, hash browns, and toast, I look at the time. It's now 2pm. I slept a lot, guess my body tried to make up for all the sleeps I've been lacking recently.

I hop off the bar stool and decide to wander around and explore the rest of the apartment. I decide to check out the rooms first in case James comes back early.

First, I decided to check out the room I was told not to go into. The master bedroom upstairs. If you don't want someone to do something, telling them not to do it will just make them want to do it all the more.

I walk up the stairs and am greeted by a large pair of dark wooden double doors. I walk up to the door and grab the handle and twist.

Great. Locked.

I turned around huffing, frustrated and disappointed. I guess I'll have to leave the room for another day when I find the key for the door, or after I google how to pick a lock. For now I'll just explore the rest of the place.

I head downstairs and go towards James' room. If I'm going to be staying with a stranger, I need to make sure, through all and any means, that he won't go all psychopath torturer on me.

I opened his door, lucky it wasn't locked, and entered a room that is similar to the one I've been given. It's the same size and lay out, just a mirrored reflection across the hallway. His room is almost identical to mine, but has a personal touch to it. His bed sheets are light blue colour instead of gray. He has some clothes thrown across his bed and his side tables and dresser are covered in paperwork. He also has a giant flat screen TV on a stand by the window, across from his bed.

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