Chapter 2

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The sun woke me up as it shone brightly through the window. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, realising I was sleeping on my front again. I looked over to the alarm clock to see that it was half past 6. I looked over to the photo of me, John and Roger standing beside it, and smiled to myself. There was a time two years ago, where I nearly chucked that very photo out of the window but now, I always smiled at it. I could tell from that photo, that even when me and John were good friends, there was something else in our relationship, waiting to be explored.

To stop myself from falling right back to sleep again, I slowly got up, put on my dressing gown and went to put the kettle on. I nearly jumped in surprise to see that Elizabeth was awake and was sitting on the kitchen table. She looked really tired as she stared down at her baby bump. She gulped, as she hardly noticed me coming towards her, when she soon realised, she nearly screamed.

"Oh, sorry Mel. I was miles away there." She said quietly.

"Thinking about you wearing your wedding dress then?" I winked at her, but she didn't respond.

"Something's up. And I'm not making you a cup of tea until you tell me what's wrong." I said, trying to make her laugh. It didn't work.

"I'm terrified, Mel. I'm getting married in under four hours. I have no idea how to be a good wife, I can't cook or look after kids, and I'm carrying one right at this very minute! I don't know how to be a mother, of course you know why. I just don't want to let Brian down." She stared down at her bump, looking depressed.

I took her hand and placed it on the bump. "Elizabeth, what do you feel?" After I spoke to her, we both sat in silence for a while when all of a sudden, we both felt this jerk as the baby kicked.

"That's your child in there. Look at me, Liz." She looked straight at me.

"Brian loves you more than anything else in this world, you're the love of his life. If he didn't love you, he wouldn't have asked you to marry him in the first place. No-one really knows how to be a mum or a dad, but you'll make it work, together. I know that this child is going to be raised by amazing parents. And as for being a good wife, I know you'll never let Brian down, as long as you're completely honest and faithful to him. He loves you, and you love him, and you're both going to love this child. I promise you. "

She looked back down to see that her hand was still on her bump. I could tell that the baby had kicked again as she bit her lip, trying her best not to cry. She looked back at me and smiled.

"Thank you, Melanie. What would I do without you?" As she said it, she came over and hugged me tight.

I chuckled back at her. "Probably suffer."

We both laughed for a while before I slammed my hand on the table.

"Right, missy. We better get you washed and dressed, you've got a man to marry." I exclaimed, winking at her.

Suddenly we heard a door open as Eva came rushing out of her bedroom in her casual clothes, trying to put on her earrings whilst only wearing one shoe at the same time.

"God's sake guys! Why didn't you wake me up earlier? We're going to be late! We've got so much to do, have to make sure the hall is decorated, the caters are here and that the guests have actually decided to turn up!" She stopped suddenly to see that we were both still in our pyjamas.

"Why aren't you dressed?!" She yelled at us, getting into a right panic.

Me and Elizabeth tried to stop ourselves from bursting out in fits of laughter as she just stared at us.

"Because it's only 10 to 7. We still have two hours to get ready before we head over to the church." I said, trying not to laugh out loud.

Eva gasped, looking really embarrassed. "You could've said! Thanks guys! I look like a complete idiot now!"

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