Chapter 11

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It's the 8th of August 1986 today. I was walking down the familiar streets in London, alone as the sun was beginning to shine brightly down on us. I remember there was an old record store not far from where I used to live around here. I couldn't believe it was eight years ago when I ran away from my old flat and decided to have a brand new start. I found the store and walked in. Apparently, a band I used to listen to a lot had released a brand new album so I went over to the counter to talk to the shop owner.

"Excuse me. Do you have Queen's new album, A Kind Of Magic?" I asked politely.

"Yes we do, hang on." The man went to check behind his desk and eventually he pulled out a brand new vinyl and handed it to me. It was a funny album cover with the four members of the band drawn in cartoon style. I turned it around to look at the back. There was one song on the track list that immediately caught my eye. Track number three, was called One Year Of Love. Then it said 'Deacon' in brackets beside it. My heart skipped a beat for one second.

"So are you going to pay for this or not?" The owner yelled suddenly which made me jump. I gave him the money and ran out of the shop.

I ran back home, after walking around the area where I used to live and ran into my bedroom. A record player was sitting on my bedside table so I went over and put the Queen vinyl on. I fast forwarded it to the third track. I heard Freddie sing out one line, just one that made my body shiver.

"Just one year of love, is better than a lifetime alone."

That was what I had said to John all those years ago. I listened to the beautiful melody as a saxophone solo wailed halfway through the track. All the words Freddie sang to me, were reminding me of the memories I used to forget. When I first met John, my failed relationship with Roger, how me and John fell in love, the birth of Brian and my good friend Elizabeth's daughter, Freddie and his girlfriend who I couldn't remember what her name was, how I was pregnant with John's child and then I soon lost it. But then of course, this haunted memory kicked me in the stomach. When the doctor told me, I couldn't have children. That's why I ran away from the flat, to save John from being with me as he wanted kids so much. The doctor lied. I realised it now.

The door opened as my 7 year old daughter came into the house, hand in hand with her dad, Paul. We had a one night stand not long after I broke up with John Deacon all those years ago but when I told him that I was pregnant, he was so supportive and a great father to little Katherine. We never had a relationship but were close as friends just so we can stick together for our daughter.

"Mummy, Mummy! Guess what!" Katherine was so bubbly and positive for her age, every day to her was a new adventure.

I tried to wipe away the tears before I held my daughter's hands tightly. "What darling?"

"I got an A in my spelling test!" She yelled as she ran over to hug me.

"Oh, sweetheart, that's brilliant! Well done you!" I exclaimed, feeling lots of pride as I smiled at her and then at Paul. "Tell you what, why don't you get dressed out of your school uniform and we'll take you out to dinner to celebrate!"

"YAY!" She ran as fast as she could to her bedroom whilst taking off her shoes in the process.

Me and Paul both laughed as we both saw how much excitement Katherine had.

"Oh, wow!" Paul picked up the Queen vinyl case and stared at it in awe. "I've been looking all over for this album! Oh that reminds me, what are you doing tomorrow night?"

"Paul." I said back to him moaning slightly. "You've already had Kate this weekend. It's high time I get to have her to myself at some point!"

He shook his head back at me. "No, I got tickets for the Queen concert at Knebworth tomorrow, thought it would be a nice surprise for Kate as she loves them! Want to come with us?"

One Year Of LoveUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum