Chapter 5

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It had been three months since the wedding and things were as busy as ever for the band. They were recording their next album, News of the World and were in the studio nonstop. Brian and Elizabeth had their honeymoon in France for three weeks and they absolutely loved it. When they came back, both of them talked about it non-stop for days. But now, poor Elizabeth was getting stressed out as she was getting closer and closer to her due date which didn't help matters. Whenever Brian came into the studio, he was either too tired to play or he was angry with everyone. He was getting really nervous as the weeks turned into days.

Of course both Freddie and Roger were too smitten to notice. Both of them were having a romantic time with their girlfriends, which was good to see, especially as Freddie used to be the only one in the group who wasn't with someone but every time you see him with Summer, they're just so cute together. Roger and Eva had decided a couple of weeks ago that they were going to move in together so she was currently in the process of moving things out. As for me and John, we hardly saw each other at all. I started my new job as a writer for a local newspaper so I was getting so many articles to write all at once. If the band weren't busy in the studio, they had many TV appearances and interviews to cope with but they were loving the fact that Queen were getting more and more popular each day.

Today was one of the first day's off the band have had in a while and everyone was looking forward to it. John took me out for a romantic meal to celebrate. After a wonderful dinner, we took a walk around London, the same walk we went through many times before, when we first met. Of course, we had to take a detour to get to my new flat but it wasn't too far away. When we got to the flat, we were just so relieved that we were finally alone, together.

"Finally, some time away from that studio!" John plonked himself down on the couch, looking exhausted. I took off my jacket, placed it on the dining room chair and then walked over to stand behind him. I placed my hands on his shoulders and gave him a back massage. He moaned quietly as I began to move my hands towards his neck.

"Oh, god. That feels good. Blimey, I can sure do with this every night." He laid his head back onto the cushion, closing his eyes. I moved my head over his and kissed his lips as I felt his hand on my cheek. We smiled at each other as I walked over to sit on his lap.

"That too." I laughed at him as he moved his fingers through my brunette waves. Our lips met again for a romantic kiss as we held each other close.

"It's good to finally have some time together, just the two of us." John said, placing his hand on my leg. "Feels as if I'm now living in the studio, hearing nothing but vocal overdubs and drum tracks. Honestly, how do you put up with me?"

I kissed his cheek, which made him turn bright red. "It's better than looking after a pregnant woman who's just about to pop."

We both laughed for a moment, until I moved from John's lap and sat just beside him. He pulled me in close as we passionately kissed, my hands on his shoulders, his one hand still on my thigh. His lips soon left mine as they moved down towards my neck, which made my heart beat fast out of my chest. Eventually, we soon kissed each other on the lips again, not letting go. A funny thought came into my head after we stopped and I cuddled into his arms.

"Do you know, that this is the couch?"

He looked at me, concerned. "Yes, this is the couch, where we're sitting on right now, well done."

I hit him across the arm. "Shut up!"

He chuckled as I moved my hand up and down his arm. "No, this is the couch where we had our first kiss."

"Oh really?" He flirted.

"Yeah, goodness, that was a long time ago. Did you ever think that something else could've happened that night?" I looked deep into his eyes as he licked his lips.

"I don't know, maybe. But it was probably for the best nothing did happen." He placed his hand on my cheek. "As long as I have you in my arms right now, that's all that matters."

I smiled from ear to ear, hypnotised by the glistening green in his eyes. Our lips met again, as we passionately kissed, not stopping for air. I could still feel his hand on my leg as I began to untie the buttons on his shirt. We giggled as we still held each other close, I went down to untie his belt, slowly pulling it off his trousers. John pushed me down softly so that I was lying on the couch as he laid on top of me, our lips still connected. Suddenly, the phone began to ring but John didn't stop. We were still kissing for around 20 seconds as the phone kept on ringing.

"John..." I tried to get him to stop, but he wasn't letting go. "John... John, stop it!"

"It's probably just Roger wondering where I put the notes for the new song." I was laughing as he stared down at me, looking annoyed before he kissed my lips again.

The constant ringing was beginning to annoy me, so eventually he got up and ran over to answer the phone. I slowly sat up, sorting out my dress which was now all creased.

"Hello?" There was silence for a while as John showed a look of panic on his face. "It's John... really? Ok, we'll be there as soon as we can... do you really need to know about that now? Oh God... well, tell her we're on our way... ok, see you there."

He looked at me, and smiled brightly. "It's time."

I gasped, not quite believing him. "Oh my God, really?"

"Yes, Elizabeth is in labour. That was Eva just ringing."

I squealed with excitement as I ran to put on my heels. John buttoned up his shirt and put his belt back on and then held out my coat for me to put on.

"Apparently Brian's not there yet. Stuck in traffic." John said quickly, sounding concerned.

"Oh no, I hope he doesn't miss it! Aww, I can't believe it's happening now!" I exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and we ran out the front door.

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