Chapter 8

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Over three weeks has passed since Phoebe was born and let's just say it's not been an easy ride for the new parents. The band wanted to finish the new album as soon as possible but Brian was late for almost every single rehearsal. Elizabeth sometimes tagged along with him, which made him angry about the fact that a young child who wasn't even a month old yet was being taken into a music studio filled with noise. But Lizzie also had a point to prove, as she said that they had been trying to get a nanny for ages but she complained that Brian was too busy running after his band rather than see his daughter. And that was when things got heated between the two of them.

Freddie and Roger loved it though, they loved to see a good argument. John would always try to be the better man and would try to find peace with them, but it often didn't work. As for me, Eva and Summer, we just didn't want to get involved whatsoever.

There was something deep inside me that has been bothering me for weeks now. I've had various dizzy spells and have been feeling sick an awful lot recently. The other day, I nearly fainted in the studio and the girls almost had a heart attack. I first thought, there must be a bug going around town but then it hit me. I couldn't be, I just couldn't.

I decided to go to the doctor myself so no-one else could see me and around half an hour later, I found out what the problem was, and boy it was a big problem. I drove home, feeling sick to the stomach, my hands shaking. How on earth was I going to tell John? When I got in the house, Elizabeth was helping Eva pack all of her stuff to move to Roger's, before he would leave with the band to go on another tour.

"Hey, Melanie! What kept you?" Eva walked over to me slowly, looking tired.

"Lots of things." I sat on the couch, staring down on the floor, rubbing my hands together.

"What is it, Mel?" Elizabeth came rushing over when she saw my nervous body language and sat beside me.

"I'm...." I couldn't get my words out, until after a hesitant moment, I spat it out in a second. "I'm pregnant."

"WHAT?!" Both Eva and Elizabeth exclaimed in shock which made me jump.

"Yeah, that's what's been annoying me for weeks on end." I put my head in my hands in surprise.

"Congratulations, Melanie! Aww, Phoebe is going to have a cousin!" Elizabeth cheered as she went to hug me.

"No, just no." I stood up suddenly and began pacing the room.

"It's good news right. I mean John is the father." Eva looked confused.

"That's the point, E! We've haven't even been going out for nine months and I'm pregnant with his child. I mean, the panic button is on! No way are we ready yet! And I can't have a child after all that's happened..." I was panicking before Eva ran over, grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"Mel, calm down!" She exclaimed as she still held my shoulders.

"That's done wonders for my belly, thanks Eva." I said, beginning to feel sick once again.

"Look. I know it's sudden and it's a big shock. But it's John's baby too. You'll need to tell him so then you can decide what to do together. And if you're not ready, then you know what to do." Eva looked straight at me as I looked down at my stomach.

"Yeah, yeah I know." I said quietly. "Thanks guys."

Both girls came over as we all shared a group hug. The door opened suddenly and John came in.

"Hey, couldn't decide whether you wanted to go out for dinner or have a relaxing night in for once, so I brought some cheese with me, hoping you'll have enough bread to make toast." John chatted unaware of what was going on.

"John." I said, trying my best to sound serious and not panic in front of him. "We need to talk."

He suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked scared.

"Privately?" He asked as Eva headed back to her bedroom with Elizabeth to start packing again.

I nodded as we both took a seat on the couch.

"You're not breaking up with me are you?" John said suddenly in a panic.

"No, honey. Of course not!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Then what is it?" He asked as I took in a deep breath and just said it.

"I'm pregnant."

There was silence for a while as John was absolutely shocked. He suddenly stood up and began to wobble slightly, almost as if he was about to faint.

"I... uhh... wow. When I said before that I wanted kids, I certainly didn't expect this... I just... uhh..." As he paced around the room, he was making me even more nervous so I stood up and stopped him.

"I know it's short notice, and we're not ready for it. I think I'll just get rid of it." I said casually and I had never seen such a reaction from him. He gasped as grabbed my arms tightly.

"What? You can't do that. Look, I know why you don't want to have children, but that doesn't mean that our child is going to have the exact same experience." John finally said to me, trying to act calm.

"It's not that John. We weren't that serious a couple before this. I'm not ready to settle down and neither are you!" I stated, almost yelling at him.

"That doesn't matter. Just because we're not ready, doesn't mean we shouldn't just go for it. It's our child. I want the best for him or her." John shouted back at me.

"You're not the only person in this relationship you know!" I screamed and we both stood there and were quiet for a while.

"I just don't know if I can do this. I need some time to think, I really do." I said quietly, shaking all over.

As soon as I said that, John walked out of the house through the front door, really annoyed. I stood there, frozen to the spot. I didn't know what to think anymore.

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