Chapter 6

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We both ran into the maternity ward of the hospital, hand in hand as we tried to look for Elizabeth and the others. I stopped by the reception desk, nearly scaring the woman sitting behind it.

"Excuse me, has Elizabeth May checked in at all?" I asked quickly.

"Mel..." I turned around to see that John had found the group. I ran over to Lizzie and hugged her, the poor girl looked like she was in such pain, the sweat dripping from her forehead as she was groaning, obviously in agony. She did look relieved when she saw me.

"Oh... I... am... so.... glad to see you guys!" She yelled in-between breaths.

"Do you really think we would've missed this?" I kissed the top of her head as she sat on the wheelchair, already in tears.

"Still no sign of Brian?" John asked Roger and Freddie who both shook their heads.

"And we can't get her into a private ward without the father present." Roger added, looking slightly worried as he held Eva in his arms.

"Ahh!" Elizabeth screamed as she was in the middle of a contraction. I held her hand tightly and patted her on the shoulder.

"It's ok, Liz. Just breathe... breathe... breathe..." She tried to take in deep breaths and eventually she had calmed down a little.

"Mel, I'm scared. I'm so scared. What if I have to go through this without Brian? I just can't, I can't do this!" Lizzie was becoming hysterical which nearly set everyone off into a panic. I tried to keep my cool so I could try to settle her.

"Honey, look at me. You're going to be just fine, you'll be amazing. Brian will get here as soon as he can. I'm sure he wouldn't miss this for the world."

"Elizabeth?" Soon after I said those words, I heard Brian's voice as I turned around to see him running towards us.

"Brian!" Lizzie was so relieved that her husband was finally here as he embraced her, kissing her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart, that I wasn't here sooner, but I'm here now." He held her hand tightly as she was having yet another contraction.

A midwife came over to join us as Brian stayed by his wife's side. "Mr May, we'll now take her into one of our private wards. I hope you're ready to become parents in the next couple of hours." She then looked at the rest of us. "I'm sorry, relatives only I'm afraid."

"Can't... you... make... an... exception?!" Elizabeth groaned in pain as she tried to convince the midwife to let us in.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. May, strict policy." The midwife did look guilty as we approached the ward that was available.

Me and Eva crouched down to hug Elizabeth tightly as I could see Roger shaking Brian's hand and Freddie putting his hand on the guitarist's shoulder, wishing him luck.

"You're going to be great! I know it." I said to Lizzie who was trying her best to smile. I eventually got up and after John shook hands with Brian and then hugged Elizabeth himself, he took my hand as we headed down the corridor to the waiting room, still looking directly at the ward. We could just see the parents to-be kissing each other on the lips before they looked at the midwife, both looking absolutely terrified.


It was a long wait in that small room. Roger was beginning to get fidgety as he began drumming different rhythms on the arms of his chair. Eva was dozing off as she was half lying on the couch, her legs on top of Freddie's. I sat on the edge of my seat, with John's arm wrapped around my waist and his head resting on my shoulders.

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