Chapter Eleven

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        Immediately after our family meeting, I made my way to the spot Mom had been given with all the pictures. I was worried that she had listened in on us, but at the same time felt like she should know what was going on. They were thinking about shutting her off forever, and even though the majority vote said otherwise, I still feared Luther would act out. In front of us all, he put up a wall that told us he was fine, but I knew he was still grieving his father's death. He was 'Number One' after all.

        I found her sitting in her chair, staring at the paintings. She seemed so happy where she was, and I hated to have to tear her away from her fantasy.

        "Mom?" I said, getting her attention. "There's something I need to tell you."

        She smiled at me. "Okay. What is it?"

        "You know—" I paused. I didn't want to start with bad news. "I wanted to thank you for everything. You were always there for me when I was a child, and even now you continue to be the best Mom I could ever have. If it weren't for you, I might have never learned to see the bright side of things. Thank you so much."

        A tear threatened to spill from my eye as I thought about all the times she had been there for me. It was never Dad who came up during the day to check in, or bring me cookies, or give me a name. Sure, he may have used it, but was that because he cared, or because he wanted me to trust him? I held Mom in a tight embrace not wanting to let go, but I had to tell her.

        "One more thing."

        "Anything for you, Cassie."

        "I'm worried, Mom. Especially for you. I know you didn't do anything, but Luther. . . Well, he thinks you may have killed Dad. If not kill him, just not help him. Vanya said you were built to be a protector. Luther fears your hardware may be degrading. I don't want you to have to be shut off. I need you to promise me that you'll do your best to stay out of trouble." I laughed softly. "I'm starting to sound like a mother now."

        I took her hands in mine. "I don't know what I would do without you."

        "I promise, Cassie," she answered, slowly.

        A faint noise tore my gaze away from her. Diego stood in the space behind me. He had just shown up, but that didn't mean he hadn't heard our conversation from down the hall. I stood up, glancing one last time at Mom. Still dressed in black, it seemed as though he wanted to chat with her himself, and I silently left the room, deciding to go train. If the world was ending in six days, I should at least be prepared to fight.


        The Umbrella Academy was out on another mission, and once again, Cassie had to stay home. She was thirteen now and regularly went out at night to assassinate the targets her father gave her. On these sorts of days, however, she was allowed to have a little more fun. With the team out saving the day, she could leave her room until they came back. Working with her mother, they had managed to prepare an elaborate set up that let Cassie pretend she was all of her crime-fighting siblings.

        The team had just left, and so Mom made her way up to the third floor. All the cardboard people they had made had been placed accordingly, and the game could begin. She unlocked Cassie's room. Running into the hallway, an extra domino mask on her face, Cassie looked for the first target. Pretending to be Luther, she grabbed the 'criminal' and tossed them aside. The man fell down the stairs. She crept down them herself.

        Another cardboard figure stood watch at the bottom of the steps. Turning to her mother, Cassie was given a knife. She threw it with deadly accuracy at the figure's heart. It toppled to the ground. She high-fived her mom. Then, she walked over to the next target sweetly.

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