Out of sight Pranks

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A/N: ok this one was recommended by a friend of mine who likes the babies gray and natsu. So she gave me this request. This one's for you bestie

Third Person P.O.V

"Enough!!" shouted Erza as she stood up and walked over to the two polar opposites. Gray and Natsu were fighting again and this time Erza decided to finally punish them. "What is it Erza, I was in the middle of beating frosty over here" Natsu said as he tugged on Gray's hair, "Shut up Flame Brain, I was the one winning" gray countered and elbowed Natsu on the side. Erza growled and pulled the two apart, " You two will be punished for this. There is a dirty storage closet that needs to be cleaned and both of you will work together to clean it".  "No way. I'm not going to be punished because of the stripper". Erza glared at Natsu, " I suppose you would rather have me punish you personally" she said. The dragon Slayer shivered, "N-no ma'am". Both of the boys ran to the dirty storage room and began cleaning.

In the storage room

"Ugh I can't believe I'm stuck with you! Stupid Erza." Natsu said as he picked up boxes and moved them aside. "Well you're the one who started the fight!" Gray yelled back. Natsu just ignored him and continued cleaning, he didn't want to fight and get in trouble again and be punished.

Gray found a bottle of pink liquid that appeared to be a potion. He grinned and opened the bottle, "pay back" he whispered to himself and made his way towards the Dragon Slayer who was facing the other direction. Gray then got behind him, "hey" gray said and Natsu turned around. Before he could say anything, Gray poured the liquid all over Natsu and was rolling on the floor laughing. "OI! YOU BASTARD, YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY!" Natsu yelled angrily at the laughing ice mage, "hell yeah it is" responded gray. Enraged, natsu pounced on gray and started rubbing against him getting the substance onto the prankster. As natsu was rubbing, Gray was blushing so much it could rival Erza's hair. "Now we're even" natsu said and got up off the now cherry mage. But there was something wrong, and both of the mages knew. Slowly, their clothes began to disappear, "What's going on" natsu said as he looked for something trying to hide himself. Gray didn't care less about having no clothes, he always stripped them off anyways. Then both of them became invisible. "Woah this is cool" gray said, " you really think this is cool gray! Now we're invisible and nobody can see us. Erza is going to kill us for this." replied an angry natsu. "What do you mean, I can see you perfectly Natsu" gray exclaimed, "I guess the people who are invisible can see other invisible people". Natsu stood there for a minute deep in thought, a sudden smirk appeared across his face, "why don't we play some pranks on people" he said. "I'm in" gray replied. The two of them ran out the storage room and back to the others.

Natsu and gray looked around to see who their first victim would be. They spotted happy eating a fish, both of the boys got a perfect idea.

When happy wasn't looking, Natsu grabbed the fish and held it up. Happy turned around and his fur stood up, "AHHHHH! THE FISH IS BACK FROM THE DEAD" the blue feline screamed and ran away. Gray was trying so hard not to laugh because even though they were invisible, people could still hear them. Next they played a prank on Erza and when she wasn't looking they each took a bight of her cake. She cried because that was the last peice that the guild had. The two invisible mages were enjoying themselves big time, that was when Gray got the best idea, "Hey natsu, I got a perfect one." "Really what is it?" Replied natsu. Gray explained the plan and they both ran out the guild all the way to Lucy's place.

Lucy was on her way home and was walking along the edge of the river bank, "I haven't seen Natsu or Gray around the guild today, that storage room must be really dirty" she said to herself. Little did she know gray was right behind her, and as she was deep in thought he pushed her into the river, "EEEEK" she shrieked and fell in. But she quickly got out because the water was freezing cold. Gray made sure to prepare it. He ran into the house and to Natsu who was waiting in the room, "You ready, when she goes to take a bath, make the water scorching ok", "Alright" natsu replied and went into the bathroom. Lucy walked in soaking wet and freezing cold," w-w-w-what the h-heck j-j-just happened" she said and made her way to the bathroom. She turned on the water and undressed, natsu took it as his chance and stuck his finger in the water causing it to become hotter than it already was. When the tub was full, Lucy got in all in one go only to jump right out, "WHY THE HELL IS IT SO HOT". As she was trying to ease the burning sensation, she heard clanking behind her. Turning around she saw her keys floating away, "Hey, come back". Natsu was running away and laughing historically in his head. "Aw man this is great" he said as he ran outside with Lucy chasing him. Natsu then hung them on a branch high up in a tree, "that should do it" and he got back down and ran back to Lucy's place leaving discarded keys and Lucy struggling to climb up the tree.

Natsu made it to Lucy's and sat on the bed,gray came into the room shortly after, both of them looked at each other and burst into laughter. "Her face was priceless when she fell into the water" gray said, "You should have seen her when I took her keys and put them on a tree branch, she has to climb to get them" natsu exclaimed as he wiped the tears forming in his eyes because of laughter.  "Guess you should thank me for turning us invisible, huh flame brain." Gray said, "you change me invisible, I turned you invisible so you should thank me." Natsu replied. "No, because I was the one who found the bottle" " well I decided to prank people ya stripper"  "it was me you idiot" "was not" "was too". The two of them began to argue. Gray made his way over to Natsu and was about to tackle the guy, but slipped on some water that Lucy left because she ran out soaking wet. He fell right on top of natsu pinning the dragon slayer to the bed in a very awkward position. Gray's body was on top of natsu and one of his legs was in-between the others legs. "G-gray" natsu said embarrassingly, Gray got up and looked at natsu in the eyes, "natsu". Both of them stared at each other for a bit. Gray lowered his head and was only centimeters away from Natsu's lips. He could fell the warm breath of the pinkette, and decided to close the gap between them. (A/N: You better be damn happy I'm doing this for you.)
Natsu mewled into the kiss opening his mouth a little. Gray took advantage of this and slid his tounge into the hot cavern. Both of them clashed for dominance, but gray won this battle and he explored the others mouth. Gray's hands wandered Natsu's body, causing the pinkette to shiver beneath him. The two pulled away and gasped for air. "G-gray why d-did y-you" natsu said trying to catch his breath. Gray sighed, "look natsu, I've hidden it from you because I didn't want to ruin the bond we have now. The truth is.......... I love you. Ever since you came to the guild I loved the way you smiled and made everyone happy. You always had that bright vibe around you and it caused me to fall for you. But I knew you wouldn't feel the same so I acted like a jerk and we became rivals". Natsu starred at the Ice Mage in shock, gray was about to say something else but natsu pulled him down into another kiss. After a bit they separated. "I love you too ya popsicle" natsu said. Gray smiled happily and hugged natsu tightly. The two shared a passionate kiss that turned into a full on make out session. Gray moved from Natsu's lips down to his neck and sucked on the skin leaving a purple mark, "g-gray~" natsu moaned and trembled at the sensation. Gray smirked and continued his work.

Lucy just got her keys and made her way back to her house, " why is today so bad". She went inside and made her way to her bedroom, only to be stopped by noises coming from the other side of the door. She looked under to see nothing. "Hmm guess I should look through the window to my room" she said and she ran outside and climbed to see through her window. She looked inside but saw nothing, only wrinkles in the blanket on her bed. Lucy remembered when she turned invisible and had an idea. Grabbing a bucket she filled it up with water and made her way back to her room. "Ok, one...two...three" Lucy opened the door and threw the bucket of water on her bed. She didn't expect to see what she saw. Natsu was half naked on the bed and gray was hovering over him kissing the pinkette. Purple marks were all over the tan flesh and he was sweating and panting like crazy. Gray looked up from the kiss to see Lucy standing there staring at them. Gray pulled away and Natsu looked at what gray was looking at. His whole body turned red and his blush meter went off the chart. "Hey Lucy" gray said and Lucy just stood there with a nosebleed. She took out a camera and snapped a picture of the two and then ran out giggling. "Well this isn't good" said natsu as he hid his face in his scarf. Gray looked down at natsu and smirked, "how bout we finish this at my place" gray purred in Natsu's ear. Natsu nodded and they both went to Gray's place for some frickle frackle.

A/N: If I don't get at least some chips for writing this then I just wasted two hours and a whole lot of blood.

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