Chapter 13

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His Life...


Taehyung sighed sadly, it had been a year since Jungkook was last awake, and since then he's been in a coma.
His body was yet again going through fazes of shutting down, the youngers heart had stopped so many times in a year, each time they thought they'd lose him, But Jungkook kept fighting.

You see the younger needed a heart, and there wasn't a Donner....But Taehyung didn't test himself yet...

Until today.


Taehyung was afraid, he was afraid if he wasn't a match that he'd be the reason his baby is gone, his now everything. But that's also when he realized he'd do anything for Jungkook, Anything.
And when he got the results back...He was terrified.
He knew the outcome of the surgery, and that was death.
When he opened the letter....

Not a match...


Taehyungs Heart broke, he couldn't save Jungkook, after everything he did, no matter what he did.
He Prayed, begged, did everything he could to make sure Jungkook stayed alive, but after  that puncture to his back, almost his heart, the younger wasn't the same.
Taehyung was losing hope, even though everyone told him not to.
His only light, his everything was dying.
He had no Donner, it was a year, a full year of trying to find a single person to donate their heart, but no match.

Taehyung felt as if he was losing himself, a never ending darkness wanting to take him and never let him leave. Jungkook was the only thing keeping the darkness away, it was funny in a way...even In his comatose condition, he was still protecting Taehyung.


Taehyung gasped when a doctor walked in the door, the door opening scaring him.
She smiled at him and handed him a letter, when Taehyungs read it, his eyes widened "H-HE HAS A DONNER!"  Taehyung Yelled happily and the Doctor nodded happily.

Jungkook was going to get a heart...


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