Gag Relfex

247 13 7

Trigger warning: Mentions of murder.

"Nervous much?"

"Not really."

"You sure? It might shock you a bit."


To be frank, Sebastian didn't like Narcissa much. She seemed protective of him, even though Seb was an able adult and could take care of himself perfectly well, thank-you-very-much.

From what Seb had heard about her, she had important connections to the most dangerous gangs and cults in the area, making her either incredibly helpful or incredibly dangerous.

Seb himself was the head of the sniper team of about twenty people. He knew he was the best by far out of them. He hadn't let himself fall out of practice in the five years since he'd left Iraq.

As they sat next to each other, waiting for their boss, Moriarty, to arrive to the meeting, quiet talk filled the room at a comfortable volume. The weight of a small handgun rested in Seb's large suit pocket.

To be honest, he didn't like suits much. He had been told that he looked "hotter than usual" in them by his last couple girlfriends (fleeting, dumb relationships that never would've gone anywhere), but that didn't make him like suits more. They were just uncomfortable and had too many pieces to manage for him. He didn't see how this was of any importance to doing his job well. He'd be able to focus much better in a comfy jumper and sweatpants. The only good things about suits were the many places to hide a switchblade or gun without it being suspicious. That, Seb could appreciate.

"Oh, and don't talk unless he asks you a question," Narcissa added, twirling a finger distractedly around her wavy, dirty blonde hair. "I heard that he's always armed, no matter what."

"Narcissa," Seb sighed, "I wouldn't be surprised if he was, but even less so if he had people pointing guns at the back of our heads right now."

Narcissa paused, taking this fact in.
Seb couldn't help but think that she was thick-skulled for someone that Moriarty had let in his inner circle.

The long table of fifteen or so people quieted in an instant, as footsteps were heard coming briskly down the hallway toward them. They all (except Seb) stared at the door apprehensively, then glanced back down at the table, as if they didn't want to be caught staring.

Seb contained a chuckle and brought his water bottle to his mouth as the steps neared the door.

The door opened, and Seb glanced up at Moriarty for the first time.

Seb choked on his water, having breathed a large amount of it in. He almost dropped his water bottle, and was pulled into a fit of coughing.

Moriarty was simply gorgeous.

He had beautiful, brown eyes that were so dark that they almost blended into his pupils, making his eyes look like dark pits.

His hair was the same color and neatly greased back. Seb couldn't help but wonder what his bedheads looked like.

He was short, shorter than Seb had expected. Maybe around 5' 8" or 9".

His dark gray suit seemed to make him look even better, almost menacing, even though his expression was flat and casual.

Seb continued to (very loudly) choke on his water as Moriarty sat down. Several people glanced over at Seb in alarm, making Seb's cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Narcissa turned briefly back and mouthed "you okay?"

Seb nodded, his eyes beginning to water mercilessly.

Psychopaths Can't LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz