First Fight

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of smut, mild swearing

Seb was in "one of those" moods. He wished he could call one of his ex-girlfriends, but they all knew him too well for that. He had pulled that trick on all of them at least once. Saying he missed her and needed her back in his life and then getting her drunk and... he wasn't proud of it.

Seb sat on his bed, fiddling with his unloaded gun. Pretending to aim and shoot, when all it made was a loud click as the hammer inside hit the unloaded canister.

To tell the truth, Seb didn't want to do any of his ex-girlfriends. He was in an entirely different mood. He was thinking about Jim. Jesus, that man was beautiful. And the way his hips moved when he walked...

Seb suddenly realized how screwed up he sounded. He was thinking about doing his flatmate/boss.

Screw it. He was going to go get drunk as hell.

Seb stood up suddenly, dropping his handgun on his bedspread and going for the door. The sound made Jim poke his head out of his study.

"Where're you going?" Jim asked after Seb as he went for the front door.

"Out," Seb answered simply, throwing his leather jacket over his shoulders.

"Out where?" Jim asked, confused, coming a bit out of his study.

"Out," Seb repeated tersely, opening the front door and walking out before Jim could say anything else.

He hurried to call a cab and get to his destination quickly. He knew the bartender there; he was an old friend of Seb's from high school. He would occasionally let Seb have free drinks.

Seb hurried inside. He sat himself at the counter.

"Hey, Seb," Andy said immediately, walking over. "How are you?"

"Alright," Seb answered.

"What can I get ya?" Andy asked enthusiastically.

"The usual," Seb shrugged.

Within the first five minutes of Seb sitting there, he was approached by someone. She had thick, black hair and dark skin.

"Hey," she said, taking a seat beside him.

"Hey darling," Seb flirted. It was too easy.

"I'm Ashley," she introduced.

"I'm Sebastian, but you can call me Seb," Seb said.

"You got any plans tonight?" Ashley asked.

"Now I do," Seb flirted.

"Dear God, you have no idea how many times I've heard that same pickup line," Ashley laughed.

Seb laughed with her, wanting to be somewhat friends first.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Seb offered.


Seb waved Andy down.

"What d'you want?" Seb asked. "I'll buy you anything."

"Anything?" Ashley asked.

"Anything," Seb answered.

"A margarita sounds good," Ashley said, not taking her eyes off of Seb.

Andy winked at Seb and got Ashley her drink.

"So Seb," Ashley started, taking a sip, "What do you do?"

"I'm an accountant," Seb lied. It was his cover story, since he couldn't exactly tell someone he'd just met that he was a hitman. "It's boring as hell, but at least it pays okay. What about you?"

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