Puzzle Pieces

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A/N: Hello. I think you know the drill. This is the fluff preparing you for the upcoming angst. Need I say more?


Trigger warning: Self-harm, blood, and pre-smut (like before smut happens? Idk)

Jim found himself going to bed early that night. He'd been going to sleep late for weeks now, and he needed a decent night to recharge.

To his surprise, Seb slipped into bed after him just a few minutes later, keeping the lights off.

"Bastian?" Jim asked, rolling over to look at him.

Seb's hair was messy and falling into his eyes, which were bright blue today. They shone out of the darkness at him underneath Seb's strong brow. In this light, Seb's face had no imperfections, even though he had scars weathering his gorgeous face.

"Going to bed without me?" Seb asked quietly, a crooked smile on his face.

Jesus this man was beautiful. How did Jim ever deserve him?

"That's not how this relationship works, Jim," Seb said, smiling wider.

"Did you want some cuddles before bed?" Jim asked, smiling back.

"I'll never say no to that," Seb admitted, pulling his arms out from under the comforter.

Even in the dim lighting, Jim could see the fresh marks on his arms. He stopped Seb's arms before they could wrap around him and looked at one of the more recent ones.

"Is this from today?" Jim asked quietly.

Seb didn't answer. Jim took it as a yes.

"That's three times this week, Seb," Jim said. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Seb answered tersely, trying to pull his arm away. Jim didn't let him.

"Have you ever tried to stop?" Jim asked. "Will it hurt you?"

"I've tried before, but I've basically gone crazy without it," Seb sighed. "I don't know what'll happen to me if I stop."

"I just... I just hate knowing that you're hurting yourself," Jim admitted, not wanting to look into Seb's beautiful eyes. If he did, he'd probably cry.

"I don't see any other way," Seb said. "I don't want anyone else to suffer because of what I am. I'd have to change them into something like me, and I don't want to have to put anyone else through that."

Jim went silent. He was going to hold his idea in. Enough sadness for one night. He let go of Seb's arms and scooted closer to him, leaving his comfortable warm spot in his bed for Seb's embrace.

Seb wrapped his scarred arms around Jim's shoulders. Jim put his head on Seb's chest, immediately curling into him.

"I love you," Jim whispered. "Don't forget."

"I won't," Seb assured him. "I love you too."

Jim closed his eyes and breathed in Seb's comforting smell. Jim couldn't understand how he'd ended up with someone so damn perfect.


Jim drifted awake slowly. He still felt asleep, however. A soft light was trickling underneath Jim's eyelids, and he opened them. Seb was still holding him close. Seb's eyes were closed, his jaw was relaxed, and his stomach was swelling and deflating with every slow breath.

Jim liked to think of Seb as his tiger. Strong. Gorgeous. Striped. And now his beautiful tiger was sleeping in his arms.

Jim's eyes fell on a scar near where one of his hands rested on Seb's waist. He ran his thumb underneath it thoughtfully, wondering if it was from the army or a bar fight or whatever.

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