Screw Up Number Two

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This chapter has smut. Just saying. There's warnings before and after the smut.

Trigger warning: Mentions of drug usage, and mild feels.

Seb woke up early that morning. He came into the kitchen to find Jim already sitting there, drinking coffee. His eyes looked a bit swollen, and his hair wasn't as neat as was usual.

"Good morning," Seb said quietly.

"So you're on heroin?" Jim asked quietly.

"I didn't think that'd be the first thing you said, but yeah," Seb said, opening the pantry to look for something to have for breakfast.

"Why?" Jim asked simply.

Seb bit his lip and didn't reply.

"Sebastian, please."

Seb walked out of the pantry to see Jim's beautiful, dark, puppy dog eyes pleading with him. For once, Jim was letting himself look vulnerable.

Seb looked away. He made himself cereal and sat down across from Jim. He didn't look up.

"Sebastian," Jim pleaded. "I thought we were friends."

"I twisted your arm and you want to be friends?" Seb asked, surprised.

"Yeah," Jim said quietly.

Seb looked up at Jim's face. Those dark, beautiful eyes which had been handing out burning, icy stares right and left just the other day were now pleading, showing more emotion than Seb had thought possible of him.

Seb suddenly realized that Jim's hand was sitting right there in front of him. He could take it so easily.

He imagined himself sliding his fingers between Jim's slender, soft ones. He couldn't help but wonder what the insides of Jim's fingers felt like and if his skin was as soft as it looked.

Seb glanced back up at Jim, who was taking another sip of coffee. Seb watched Jim's throat move as he swallowed. His eyes drifted to Jim's mouth. His lips looked so amazing. He would probably taste like fresh coffee and smell like his cologne.

What the hell was he thinking? Jim didn't want to be with Seb! This was pointless!


Jim pulled Seb out of his reverie.

"Why are you looking at my mouth?" Jim asked, wrinkling his nose in confusion.

"Sorry; I was zoning out on your face," Seb lied quickly.

"What were you thinking about?" Jim asked, smiling.

"Forgot," Seb lied. "I lost my train of thought."

Jim smiled down into his coffee. Seb watched his eyes crinkle into the smile. God, he was so beautiful.

"I'm going in to work now," Jim said suddenly, standing up.

"You haven't finished your coffee," Seb protested, wanting Jim to stay.

"I'm done with it," Jim said abruptly, walking quickly out of the front door and leaving his coffee on the table.

"Hey, Jim- I mean- boss?" Seb asked.

"Yeah?" Jim asked, turning around.

"Goodbye," Seb said.

"Bye," Jim replied, walking away through the front door. "Good luck on your mission today."

"Thanks," Seb called after him.

Jim left without another word. He closed the door quietly behind him.

Seb wished he had said something to Jim about how beautiful he found him.

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