Force of Habit

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Trigger warning: Mentions of smut, almost smut (it cuts off), and murder.

Seb tried his hardest not to show his arousal, but Jim was making that difficult.

"Don't you have work to do?" Seb asked, not moving underneath him.

"This is more important," Jim whispered, sliding a hand down Seb's side, making him repress a shiver.

"I need to get to bed," Seb protested.

"But you don't want to, Sebby..."

Seb didn't answer. Jim put his mouth to Seb's neck, softly nipping at it. Seb struggled to keep any sounds inside, as they'd only encourage Jim.

"I know you want me, Seb," Jim purred softly.

"Are you sure you're not drunk?"

Jim laughed quietly.

Out of nowhere, he bit down on Seb's neck, right on Seb's vampire bite-like scar. The old scar wouldn't hurt no matter what Jim did, it just twinged with the rough contact.

Seb twitched involuntarily. Seb felt Jim smiling against his throat in triumph, having found Seb's weak spot. He licked over it, making Seb shiver.

"Jim, go to bed," Seb said, trying in vain to keep his voice steady.

"Um... no," Jim said bluntly.

He bit down on Seb's scar again. Seb twitched worse than before, biting his lip to keep from whimpering.

"Come on, Sebby," Jim murmured against his throat.



Jim looked up at Seb, clearly confused.

"I said no," Seb repeated.

"Why?" Jim whined.

"Because it's late," Seb answered, closing a hand over Jim's wrist before he could go back to Seb's neck. "If you're not going to go do real work, go to bed."

"But I don't want to do work," Jim complained.

"Then go the hell to bed," Seb muttered, rolling onto his side and throwing Jim off. He pulled Jim into his chest.

"Sebastian," Jim groaned, trying to wiggle away from his embrace.

"James," Seb imitated.

"Don't call me James," Jim muttered into Seb's chest.

"Don't call me Sebastian."


"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Seb kissed the top of his head, coarse strands of black hair brushing his chin and nose.

"We can tomorrow if you're still in the mood," Seb offered.

"I'm always in the mood."

"Go to bed."


Jim leaned into Seb's chest and slipped his arms around Seb's waist.

"You smell nice anyways," Jim sighed.

"Go to sleep," Seb murmured, smiling nevertheless.

"Okay, tiger."

"Goodnight kitten."

"Goodnight Bastian."


Seb woke up before Jim and decided to take a shower. He left the door unlocked, just in case Jim woke up and wanted to come in with him.

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