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Punch-punch-swing. Punch-punch-swing.’
That was my routine since four AM this morning when I woke up from a restless night. My
blood burning from the adrenaline rushing through me as I threw another few punches.
Pushing myself until every piece of resistance pulsed out of my body. I sagged against
the punching back as the emotions starts to consume me. My breaths uneven as it
hurries at an unrecognized speed inside my chest. Every thought consumed by the
green eyes girl, currently alone thinking god knows what. Now after hours of pushing
myself to the limits the sun came up, lighting up the horizon at the few from the floor to
ceiling windows in the hotel gym. Just another couple of hours then I can be there. The
start of a new day…


The night was restless, lonely and especially long. Consumed by the bits and pieces of my existence. Named ‘My Past’. So when the nurse came in at five AM this morning I was already wide awake ready to face the day. Patiently waiting.
Watching. The hours flew by in a blur as nothing happened. So the only thing that was left to do around here were resting and remembering, so knowing that I had a bad night I quickly fell back into a restless slumber. Around nine AM someone came knocking on the door and a part of me hoped that it was Josh, but I was met by a female voice pulling me out of my sleep.
“Morning sleepy head.” I heard her voice at the door as I cracked open my eyes. The room seems brighter than it was before. My eyes burning from the sunlight streaming in full force through the open curtains. The nurses probably opened it up when I was still sleeping.
“Just resting my eyes.” I said.
“If I didn’t know better I would think that you were expecting someone else.” Vicky walked in with a wink. I couldn’t help my blush at the truth.
“I’m just tired.” Honestly, it was hard to sleep let alone allow myself to dream. With that I am getting nowhere, because everything is coming at me way to fast.
“Have you slept at all? You look like…” She paused, evaluating me from head to toe...
“Well you look like you’ve been run over by a car.” She jokily said.
“Close enough.” I answered not totally in the mood for jokes. She seems to catch on as she mutters an apology.
“Sorry.” She said.
“It’s nothing. It’s just that my mind has been running on an endless loop with everything that’s been going on.”
“He hasn’t been here yet?” She asked about Josh. It did make me wonder why he wasn’t here yet. I kind of hoped he would have been here when I opened my eyes first thing this morning.
“No, but it’s still early.” I looked at the phone beside me and dammed it to ring or something. I just really need to see him.
“I know that look.” She caught me starring at the landline with an amused look on her face.
“What look?” I beamed.
“The stars. It’s been awhile since I have last seen it.”
“I don’t have stars.” I said feeling the road of a blush covering my cheeks. I did once had that stars, but their hard to come by at moments like this.
“Suit yourself, but I can see it from a million miles away.”
“Subject change!” I grabbed her by the hand giving hers a tight squeeze.
“How’s my baby?” I asked missing the sounds of my daughter’s morning laughter. We almost never spend a night apart.
“Tired. She can’t wait for you to come home though. She’s been so worried about you.” Worry creeps into her eyes, but she loves Taylor just as much.
“I just hope I can be out of here before her next doctor’s appointment.” I said, because I was worried, this is a really important meeting. Taylor is getting older and
so her illness is taking more and more effect. I just want her to be a normal girl with a good heart. That’s everything any parent can ask for.
“It’s more than a week away Maddie, you’ll be out of here in a jiff. Has the doctor seen you yet?”
“Not yet, but the nurse said that he would be here as soon as possible. Their making sure I get my rest.”
“That’s good. I am honestly just happy you are alive. It could have been so much worse.”
“I can live with the pain Vicky, but I am just grateful that this accident unscrambled my brain and brought Josh back into my life. To have everything out in the open again.”
“Things always happens for a reason.” Just as the sentence rolled off her lips the door opened revealing the doctor. He came in smiling with the charts in his hands. He looks between me and Vicky and his smile grew wider.
“Ms. Price. Ms. Fuller, I am Doctor Michael Wurth, but you can just call me Michael.” He extends his hand first towards Victoria then to me. His grip was warm and friendly. He looks back at Vicky.
“Ms. Fuller do you mind giving us a minute?” He ask her. She looks at me as if asking permission. I gave her a small nod and a warming smile.
“Sure. I’ll just be out in the hall.” She said before she walked out.
“Your case are one interesting one Ms. Price.” He said making himself at home at the foot of my bed. The bed shifted from the extra weight.
“Please call me Madison.” I said. Might as well keep things light, because heaven knows how long I’ll still be stuck here.
“To be honest. I am here for opposite reasons. I am not really your doctor,” Confusion settling in as I look at him.
“Well I am a doctor don’t get me wrong, but I’m here because a very good friend of mine asked me to keep an eye on you.” Who can that be? The doctor doesn’t look much older that my twenty eight, but it’s hard to picture a man like this to be friends with my parents.
“If it is my father you can just keep everything for yourself, Doctor.” I said showing that I didn’t care one bit what they think. It’s my life, it’s time to take it back.
“On the contrary, Madison. It’s Josh. He’s actually one of my best friends.” Thank goodness, because if it was one of my parents or both this doctor would be hearing a thing or two coming out of my mouth.
“He is?” I asked. My body automatically sitting up straighter,
“Yes. We went to University and then medical school. Plus, I am one of the original members of the band.” Wait, hold up? Josh actually went through with it? I know he had plans to do something in the medical field, now it shows the time we have
lost and the time we need to make up in the future. Maybe that was why he jumped in saving me from the car wreck. It’s just how I know him. The noble, kind man who
would do anything for anyone.
“Wow. Okay.” It was all I could manage to say. The rest of the words camping out in my throat. He shifts on the bed so he can get a better angle as he gets ready for what seems to be a very serious conversation. His brown eyes hiding behind his classes.
“And I just simply had to meet the one and only Madison Price. I have heard a lot about you in the past years and it’s actually a great pleasure to meet you in person.”
He smiled down at me, he seems sincere at his admission.
“Josh, he’s been like a lost puppy for the ten years and last night when he brought you in. It was like a switch has been turned.” He continued on.
“I don’t know what to say?” I shyly asked. Keeping my head down. He himself sits up straighter before he continues.
“Listen. I don’t want to overstep any boundaries here, but he is one of the best people I know. He’s been through a lot. He could have been a great doctor you know? But music was always his first choice. In the end he chose the one thing that brought him close to you. So just be honest with him, please. If you don’t want or need him in your life, just let him down easy. That man has been carrying a torch for you for
years. Don’t hurt him the same way he has been hurting since I met him ten years ago. He needs to move on, whether with or without you. I only want the best for him.”
“I understand, but no offence, it’s not of your business.” I said, feeling a bit uncomfortable talking to a stranger about my life and how I will fit Josh into it. I know he means well and he is a loyal friend. It’s kind of hard to miss that part, but he is overstepping it a little bit.
“I know, that’s why I am here. To ask you nicely. Don’t hurt him, please?” I thought it through a little while longer before I could manage to answer.
“I can’t promise anything Michael, a lot has changed in ten years. Right now my first priority is getting out of this hospital and get back to my daughter. It’s hardly been twelve hours since I got my memory back and I have already confronted my parents. If Josh wants a chance. I will let him, because a lot of time might have passed, but I am not ready to let go either. So thank you Doctor Wurth for your contribution
towards this ‘case’.”
“I can see why Josh loves you.” He said with a smile. Only proofing that Josh has been talking about me. Thinking about me all this time.
“But I think I have stolen enough of your time so I will let you get back to what you were doing. Thank you Madison for hearing me out though. I hope you understand why I did what I did.” He got back up straightening her lab coat and classes.
“But what I can tell you is that you could be released in a day or two, maybe three. We just need to keep you around for observation then you’re ready to go home to your daughter.” Finally something on topic.
“Thanks.” I manage to say.
“Okay well. I’ll let you to it. Goodbye Madison.” He said and with that he was out the door and Vicky came strolling back in with a smile.

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