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I woke up the next morning with a tiny body pressed between Maddie and I. Looking down at the sweet sleeping face of Taylor, who somewhere in the night came into the room and squeezed in between us. Luckily when she came in I had my boxers on and Maddie was clothed in her panties that she somehow managed to find and my T-shirt. Both of them were sound asleep next to me and I couldn't help the smile. Who would have thought that I would be here? Right now with the two girls I love the most in this world. So a pressed a sweet kiss on Taylor's nose. She stirs a little bit until her eyes slowly flutters open and I was met with the same emerald color.
"Bad dream?" I whispered. She nods and hug into me more than before.
"Want to talk about it?" She shakes her head against my chest.
"If you want to, just know that I am here to talk to, about anything okay?"
"I dreamed that I don't have a heart anymore." She says with a sob.
"Shh. It's okay." I said, soothing her as I felt her tears against my skin. So I wrap my arms tightly around her, but not too tight and I pulled her closer. My heart was breaking. I looked over at Maddie and I saw her staring at me with the same eyes as my crying girl in my arms. She was silent as I soothed Taylor. My free hand finds hers as I hold on tightly. Understanding that she didn't want Taylor to know that she is awake and listening.
"It was only a dream. It was only a dream, okay. I'm not going anywhere. Your mom's not going anywhere and you, my baby girl as sure as heck NOT going anywhere. I'd gladly give you mine if I could, you hear?" I looked over at Maddie and I could see her smiling through her tears. I felt Taylor nod against my chest, but she kept holding on.
"How about we go into the kitchen and surprise your Mom and Aunt Vicky with breakfast in bed, what do you say?"
"Then let's go princess. The queen and her fair lady needs to eat." She giggles as I pick her up and carry her out of the room like a sack of potatoes.
Twenty minutes later the fresh pancakes were done and after shooing Vicky out of the kitchen to join Maddie in her room. With cream and strawberries. Some Mable syrup and sliced bananas and fresh juice we balances the tray together down the hall and into the room. Both woman wore big smiles as we entered and I nearly tripped over my own feet when I saw the big smile on Maddie's face. Damn I love that woman and after last night? The amazing love we shared would forever be the best in my books. And I may say that she came onto me like a tiger and I surely didn't care that I was her prey. Or was it the other way around?
"You've been served by the delicacies of La Pancakes. Presented by the none other than Josh and Taylor. My queen, milady.” They laughed at our silly presentation. We ate in the room the four of us squeezing onto the same bed contains all the secrets of last night, hidden between the sheets. I look up at Maddie and confirmed that she was thinking the same thing, by the way she was biting that lush bottom lip. I had to swallow back a moan.
"This was the absolute best surprise I had in ages." Vicky said as she put her empty plate back on the tray and lay back against the pillows with a sigh. Then she whispers something at Maddie and I saw the redness creep up her chest and cheeks. I cocked an eyebrow and both women laughed.
"Their giggling like a bunch of school girls and they don't even share the joke. What do you think would be their punishment, Taylor?" I look over at Taylor and she scratches her chin. Snapping her fingers when she got an idea.
"You know what dad? I think they best do the dishes." I laughed at their shaking heads. Vicky managed to throw a pillow at my face, but it connected with my chest.
"Now that's the best plan I have ever heard,' I got up from the bed and I set my eyes on my daughter.
'Now how about we slowly back away and make a run for it?" She was up before I know it was out the door the next.
"The boss has spoken... And I'm out!" And that is how I end up with a blue and purple bruise on my arm. By actually running into the door when Maddie stuck her tongue out at me. The girls was still in the room when Taylor and I sank down on the sofa. I rub the spot on my arm and I could already see the redness sinking in. I got distracted that I totally misjudged the wall for a door. Taylor restarted the movie we started last night and didn’t finish, but my caught a stack of school books on the coffee table.
“Wait, its Monday, why aren’t you in school?”
“It is a long weekend dad, I go back tomorrow.” I scratch my chin when I remembered the date.
“I totally forgot!”
“I can see that, by the gray hairs starting to show.” She jokes when I run my hand through my hair.
“I don’t have gray hair, mind you I am not even thirty yet.” True, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t pulled some gray out in the past.
“Still, in the eyes of a ten year old, you seem ancient.”
“How did you become so smart?”
“My genes?” Through the corner off my eyes I saw Vicky and Maddie coming out of the room.
“See what I mean? When your aunt Vicky was ten she couldn’t even know the difference between an elephant and kangaroo.”
“I heard that!” She shouted from somewhere in the kitchen.
“No, she was smart.”
“Honey I am going to grab a shower before your aunt Vicky uses all the warm water.” I kiss the top of her head and peaked through the open area to where Maddie and Vicky were doing the dishes, talking softly under each other. After a long shower I padded back into Maddie’s room and open my suitcase, searching for some comfortable clothes to wear for the day.
"Thank you." I heard her voice when I pulled a fresh shirt from my luggage when Maddie’s arms came around me from behind. Her warm hands moving up and down my chest as she buries her face in my back.
"About what?" I asked taking her hands in mine to turn around in her embrace.
"This morning. With Taylor." She looks up at me with sad eyes.
"I got be honest, it scared me have to death." I touch her face and let my fingers drift through her hair, soothing the sadness we both felt.
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything." She managed so say with a sigh, dropping her gaze from mine. For a moment I only looked at her dark lush lashes before I lifted her chin.
"You already said your sorry sweetheart, but I need to learn how to be the best father, because heaven knows the one I had, I don't want to be him." I literally would do anything to not be like the parents that tried to raise me and Charlie.
"You'll never be that man, just like I try to not be my own mother." She will never be her mother. She is the strongest person I know and I knew Taylor just adored her mother.
"I don't know how you do it." I whisper, thinking back to when she told me everything she’s been through since the accident and the birth of Taylor.
"I get up every day and pray that I have another day with her." I felt the crack in my heart when I thought about hers.
"When's the appointment?" The dream about her heart did a real number on me this morning and I need to talk to her doctor face to face. I need this time with her and I hope to God I will not be cut off from the best thing that ever happened in my life.
"Wednesday." I nod and let my hands wonder down the plains of her back. Stopping just before they reach her ass.
"Good and by then the sale for the house would be finalize and we can start to move in." I moved so my lips hovers over hers. I got practically see her begging for my kiss.
"I hope that's still okay with you?" I whispered so close to her lips.
"You know it is." She says biting that plumb lip. Her own hands moving up and down my chest. Feeling proud that all my hours in the gym paid off.
"Is it now?"
"Mm-hm." I felt her whisper onto my lips. Then I picked her up, her legs wrapping around my waist. I had her flat on her back beneath me in two big steps. I pull my shirt over her head looking down onto her perfect body. The white lace bra covered her beautiful valleys. So sexy. So damn sexy. Then I dropped my head and start to taste the pieces of flesh I could reach. Sucking and biting at her soft skin. Her soft moans filled my ears. Just as I was about to reach behind her to unhook the bra, the door to her room opened. I heard the loud gasp from the doorway and I looked up and see the wide eyed Vicky standing there.
"Oh shit! I am so, so sorry." She explained before she was out the door. Maddie's laughing body shakes beneath me and I joined her. I sigh when I gave her one long lingering kiss before I pulled back and pulled the shirt over her head and her arms through the loops. A minute later when we were both dressed again there was a knock on the door.
"You decent?" Vicky asks from the other side.
"Fully naked with my junk hanging out Vicky, so you can come in." I said laughing as she steps into the room.
"Just gross, man." She says, but shakes her head when she sees that I am indeed fully dressed.
"I've been called out for an assignment in Tasmania for a week. They need me to guest teach a couple of classes. I’ll be leaving in a day or two. So I just wanted to let you both know that I can't make the appointment on Wednesday with you and Taylor." She explained.
"That's great Vicky. Enjoy! And its fine, Josh is here and he's coming with, but I will keep you up to date." Maddie got up from the bed to give Vicky a tight hug. She accepted the hug graciously, looking over her shoulder to smile at me.
"Thank you and I am sorry." They pulled out of the embrace and Maddie playfully pushed her out the room.
"Go Vicky. Go have an epic adventure and come back save, okay?" Maddie said smiling at her cousin. Vicky smiled and said goodbye before she was out the door again. Maddie came across the room jumping onto the bed.
"Looks like it’s just us three for the next week." She said squeezing my shoulder.
"And what on earth are we going to do?" I felt her hot breath on my neck. I did indeed create a monster, because she can barely keep her hands off of me for a second. I can't say I don't want to do the same to her. Especially after last night. It was like something clicked and we just need to ravish each other every second of the day.
"We're going shopping." I simply say. Looking at her for a reply. She just sat there staring at me funny. I shrugged looking back down at the email I got before Vicky came in the room.
"I never thought I would hear the day you saying you want to go shopping." She says laughing soundly as she starts to comb her hair.
"We do have a house to fill."
"Really?" She asks carefully.
"Yes, because I just got the email confirming the sale."
"That was fast." She ties her hair in a high ponytail then shrugged of the shit and bra. I could hardly finish my own sentence.
"Well I made them an offer they can't possibly resist." In the end I bought the house for a quarter more of the price that was originally asked. I didn't mind. I wanted that house. It was perfect and I just hope they would love it as much as I do already.
"It's too much, Josh. We would have been fine in an apartment. I don't need material things to make me love you more." She now stood entirely naked in front of me then rapping herself in a soft pink robe.
"I did it because I want a stable home environment for Taylor. A place she can really call home with us in it." I don't want Taylor growing up in a tiny space like I did. I want her to have her own room. A big yard even a damn puppy running around the backyard. I know they don't need the material thing, but I want to give it to them. Only the best for my girls and maybe one day we can let the family grow.
"Wait till you see the place honey," she saw the excitement in my eyes, heard it in my voice. She looked down at her hands knot she made.
"But I probably should have discussed it with you before I bought it, but if you really don't like it, we'll make a plan, I promise you."
"I'm sure I'll love it." She simply said. A small smile starting to grow. The dimples I love so much on full display.
"I know for a fact you and Taylor would love it. We can even get a puppy if you want. Anything."
"Josh..." She said but I ignore her.
"What? I'm serious. We can go first thing tomorrow morning. I'll let the previous owners know that I will be picking up the keys in an hour." I picked my phone back up and typed a short message, sending it to the previous owner.
"Josh." She said again. I lifted my head from my cellphone.
"I love you." The oxygen I didn't know I kept in escaped my lungs. So I jumped up and walked over, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.
"I love you too."
An hour later I pocketed the three piece key set...

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