Chapter 1: An ending is also a beginning.

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Hi everyone! It's the first time I write publicly and I would appreciate your support. Thank you for your time.

It was the last day of school. I wouldn't have to see again these walls that made you feel small. I wouldn't have to see again these dreadful classmates of mine or our teachers. There were a few exceptions of course, my best friends and two teachers that changed my life. Anne, Claire and I were best friends since preschool, our connection was immediate. Ever since Claire and I defended Anne's honor against Pete that used to pull her braids, we became inseparable. The other two people that helped me form my life up to that point, were Mrs. and Mr. Whitewood. The best teachers ever and I don't say that lightheartedly. Because of them I learned how to defend myself with words, how to use language as a weapon, how to think and grow through books. I knew that I would miss them, but that's how life is.

"Elise! Hurry up, the boys are waiting!", yelled Claire. Apparently, there were some boys waiting for us. I never gave a second thought to boys, exactly because they were boys. They were immature, didn't think with the right head, didn't care for feelings and thoughts. Not like I did anyway.

I gathered the last things from my locker and went outside to find the others waiting for me in a cabriolet, which apparently belonged to one of the two guys sitting in the front seats. The car looked pretty nice to be honest, it was baby blue and well preserved. However, I wasn't in the mood to party like the others did. I knew though that I would ruin my best friends' ideal last day, so I didn't say a thing and I got in the car, somehow we fitted in the back seats.

"Elise, this is Ben and Jon. Guys, this is Elise" Anne said with a tone a little bit cryptic. I should know them, our town wasn't that big. What worried me though, was the tone she used. It was like she wanted to imply something about me, I just couldn't understand what at the time.

"Emm.. hi, nice meeting you. Sorry for the wait" I apologized, because courtesy is a ladies' must. My mother had always been an angel for me, all I knew about her had as source my father at the rare times he spoke about her. A thing that I knew for certain was that she was graceful and polite with everyone, even those undeserving it. Somehow I wanted to honor her in my everyday life, so I began acting as if she were there to give me advices.

"Don't even mention it! Nice meeting you, too. Ladies, where do you want to go?" the dark haired driver said. Claire was quick to answer him, which suggested that I wouldn't like what I was about to hear.

"Elise's house! I'll give you directions on the road, Ben." No, I didn't like what I heard. Both the girls knew that my father was away on a business trip and they wanted to take full advantage of that. At least it was clean.
When Ben pulled over at my house, Claire was looking at me with sad puppy eyes waiting for me to tell her it was okay. I ignored her of course and told Anne to help me set the table. She was awfully quiet and I wanted to learn the reason why. Jon was quietly following us towards the house and I wanted him to feel more comfortable, so I asked him to help us, while Claire was giving Ben a quick strangers' tour.

We set the table and called for Ben and Claire. The pizza we had ordered, had just arrived and quickly there weren't any pieces left. It was getting late and I said that I wanted to take a nap, so that they would leave. Jon, surprisingly, commented how lovely the house looked and that we should do that again. That's when Claire winked at me and I ignored her, again. As a proper hostess should, I walked the boys to the door, thanked them and agreed that we should do that again.

"What's wrong with you, Elise? Didn't you see how Jon looked at you?" Claire said as soon as I closed the door.

"I'm pretty sure only you saw that. Unless you confuse me with the pizza or the decoration." I told her and went to sit next to Anne, who was still very silent.

"Now, listen here youn-"

"Anne, what's the matter? You haven't spoken a word since introducing us." I interrupted Claire for obvious reasons.

"N-Nothing's wrong. Why would you say that...." Anne stammered, a habit she had quit at second grade of primary.

"Alright, that's enough. Claire has been acting really chirpy and you are too quiet for it to be good. Tell me." I told her, perhaps a bit too loud.

"Your father sent our families two letters. It was the same thing actually twice, loss of paper with no reason at all.. I know he's not a 'save the environment' type of person, but he could have sent one.." she was stalling and I was already tired. Thankfully, Claire took action.

"He wrote us to take care of you, because he left you. Inside his wardrobe you will find a box containing some files. You have to read them and then decide what you want to do next."

"Claire!!" Anne yelled at her, looking equally scared and angry. Unknown how she could do it.

"Did I forget something? Oh, yes. He left you, but also left you the house and everything inside it. We suppose it means there are things of value or simply money somewhere. There, I think I covered it all." Claire said with a smile. Her smile was so normal at the moment. My dad. Left me?

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