Chapter 6: First try.

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  Hello, readers! I'm sorry that i was absent, I had to deal with some personal stuff, but now I'm back for you. Please feel free to keep on commenting and DM-ing me. I'm really grateful for you.

  There's knocking on my door. I was ready to get up and open the door, when a delicate female voice asked if she may come in. I answered her positively and as soon as I did the room was filled with the lovely scent of fresh baked croissants and hazelnut flavored coffee, my favorites. Mathilde, the maid's name, wanted to know if everything was as delicious as she hoped them to be and whether I wanted something different for breakfast.

  "Thank you, Mathilde. Everything tastes amazing. Did you make them?"

  "Oh no, miss. My mother is the cook and wanted to welcome you with her signature croissants. There's also marmalade and honey if you wish to add."

  "Everything is perfect, thank you. Please thank your mother too. I'm sorry, but I assumed that we would have breakfast together with Mr. Gautreaux."

  "Monsieur Dominique and monsieur Lucien are on a business trip. It was une affair urgente. Monsieur Lucien m'a dit que vous pouvez aller à tous les chambres-"

"Mathilde. I'm sorry, but you're talking too fast and I don't understand french that well" I apologized for interrupting her.

"Excusez-moi, mademoiselle. It's an urgent matter and they had to leave immediately. Mister Lucien told me that you may go to every room except the one of Mr. Dominique."

"I see. When will they come back?"

"J'sais pas, miss" Apparently she didn't understand when she switched the languages. Thank God I understood that she didn't know when they'd be back.

"Alright, thank you Mathilde" and with that she left me to get ready for the day.
Even though I wanted to lay in bed with the sun shining on my face through the tall windows, I had an investigation to do. There were just so many unanswered questions, but I had to figure out where to begin.

  The first place I would pay a visit to, was Lucien's office. I was positive that I'd find something hidden in his files there. I remembered the way so it was easier to go there unnoticed. Lucien's office was huge. It was more of an enormous library with an office at the wall. There was even a bar in there with leather stools next to a large, leather sofa and a fireplace. As soon as I got in, I quietly closed the door behind and began searching. I didn't know what I was looking for exactly. A folder written "Josephine's secrets" would be nice though. Perhaps in the drawer there was something.

  "What do you think you're doing?" an angry man yelled. I turned around once more to find Dominique starring at me. He looked mad.

  "I-I'm sorry. I didn't- it's not what- Umm, I'm sorry" I stammered. I felt so embarrassed to be caught in someone else's office, but soon I remembered the reason I was in there and what I was looking for.

  "Of course you're sorry you got caught. Stupid too. Get out! I was right about you, we shouldn't collect strays." he continued yelling. I wasn't going to budge though. I deserved some answers and told him as much.

  "You think you have the right to demand something when your fingers are still in my father's drawers?" he said angrily. I, however, couldn't help but snicker. He must had just understood what he said, because he grimaced and said that it wasn't what he meant.

  "What's with all this noise? I told you to get me the file for the meeting, what is taking you so long?" a man's footsteps echoed the corridor outside and then Lucien greeted me.

  "Oh, it's our wonderful guest. I can see what's taking you so long now, Dommy. Please na chère, excuse my son for his caveman ways. Apologize to our guest and come with me, son." he said with a smile, as talking to a young child.

  "Dommy?" as soon as the word came out of my mouth I began laughing. It was so weird to see Dominique and think of him as Dommy. Apparently he didn't like me laughing with his nickname, because his eyes were looking at me with such intensity that I closed my mouth at once.

  "Our 'wonderful guest' was snooping around your office, father. I'm sure she's a thief. She can't be Gaël's daughter." Dominique accused.

  "That's nonsense. Apologize right now for insulting her. This is as much her house as it is yours. Literally you co-own it. You should better get along. Dommy." Lucien said with an authoritative tone and humor in his eyes as he watched us.

  He didn't think however that I would freak a little bit out. "I own this...palace?" It is was unbelievable. No other word could fit for how I felt at that moment.

  "Half the house. I own the other half. I claim this room to be on my half, so you are not allowed in here. Leave." he looked more annoyed than angry. Perhaps I should leave, for now.

  "He's got a point, Lucien. I shouldn't have come here without you. It was ill mannered. I'm sorry, I'll leave you to your business." I apologized and left without glancing at Dominique for a minute. What a jerk.

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