Chapter 5: Utterly Intrigued.

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Hey! I'm sorry it's a short chapter. I hope you like it so far. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment them or DM them to me. Thank you for your support!

It felt strange choosing what to wear and getting ready to have dinner with my biological father's best friend and his son. Lucien had been really nice to me. He even gave me a quick tour of the house. They had closed the entire east wing and some rooms that were at the west wing of the house, so he didn't show me so many rooms. I was surprised to find that Dominique's room was opposite to the music room. When I asked if he played some instrument, Lucien evaded the question and continued with the tour. I was getting a little bit impatient with the whole evading thing, but I decided to wait.

Finally, I found what I would wear and quickly I was ready. I chose a simple, yet elegant, black dress with long sleeves and firm fitting, it came to my knees. I paired it with a pair of nude pumps, the ones with the famous red sole. My golden dark blonde hair, courtesy of my mother, were lightly waved and my makeup was simple. For some unknown reason, I wanted to look the best I could.

  As expected, at five minutes to eight there was a knock on my door. Moris told me earlier that he would send a maid to fetch me. I opened the door, ready to get some answers.
  "Élise, you look wonderful! I hope everything fits. Please join us." Lucien said as he and his son got up, when I walked in. I took a sit on his left, while Dominique was on his right.

  "I'm sure you have a lot of question ma chère and it will all be answered in time. I'm aware that you didn't know anything about us and yet you came with Dominique and Moris without questioning much. Thank you for trusting us. I, as well I'm sure Dominique, appreciate it immensely. Correctement, Dominique?" he waited for his son to leave his phone aside and say something.

  "Yes, father. I too appreciate it. The fact that she got in the car of two strangers, simply because an old man was holding a piece of paper which had her name written. I'm sorry, only her first name." Dominique arrogantly answered him, while looking at me.

  "You have to excuse my son's behavior. He's so used to work that he doesn't socialize with people anymore. He loves numbers." he said somberly.

  "Because father they do not disappoint." Dominique said to Lucien before he set aside his phone and nodded to a maid to begin serving food.
  During supper no one talked, so it felt really uncomfortable for me to eat with two persons that I knew nothing about, yet they knew a lot about me and my origin. I desperately needed for them to answer all my questions. It was not a matter of if anymore. It was one of when, for it was sure I would find out eventually.

  Something Dominique said that caught my attention was a comment about disappointment from people. There had to be some thing that he's really upset about. Whether it had to do with his potential love life or a friendly matter, the impact it had in him must had been huge, since he said what he did, so simple. It was as if he stated a fact. I could no longer hide it from myself, I was utterly intrigued.

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