Chapter 7: Perhaps...

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  Just because my first try was a complete failure, it didn't mean that I wouldn't try again. I mean, I had to. Once something's in my mind, it stays there. So the day began with me making a plan. Lucien and Dominique would be out of the house, because they had a series of meetings and wanted to save time, so they would stay at the apartment they had in the same building as their office. Or to be more exact, their building. All I had to do was to have others become used to me. That's what I did, or at least I tried to.

I woke up searching what to wear. I needed something simple that would say "Hi! I'm Élise. What's up?" but simultaneously saying "Hello, my beloved house inmates, I hope that you are all fine and perfectly happy with your life." I ended up wearing a plain cream white t-shirt with a pair of black, skinny jeans with fringes and nude court heels. It was casual enough, yet chic and with authority.

  The first place I went was the kitchen, not for the obvious reasons. Though to a croissant like the day's before I wouldn't say no. There I found Mathilde talking with an older woman while preparing some things that I was too far away to tell what they were.

  "Oh mon Dieu! Bonjour, mademoiselle Élise. I'm sorry I was too late to bring you your breakfast. I was just preparing it for you." Mathilde told me in a single breath.

  "Mathilde, may I call you that?" I waited for her to nod her approval, instead she began saying "oui mademoiselle, whatever you want mademoiselle, whatever you need..." I paused her and continued. "You aren't late, please relax" I laughed a bit so she could actually relax, which did the trick.

  "I woke up with nothing to do, so I got dressed and followed the smell of food." I explained to her and her mother.

  "It smells great, doesn't it?" the woman I assumed to be her mother, since she was the cook, said to me.

  "It does. Bonjour, madame..."

  "Oh I'm Jocelyn Durand, Mathilde's mother. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." she said with a relatively 'non-french' accent. It was a little bit rusty, but still not like her daughter's. I saw that she was making her infamous croissants. They were incredible really. No other word could describe them.

  "I believe you like them, Miss?" mrs. Durand said with laughter in her eyes. I must had been salivating at the sight of her masterpieces.

  "Yes, they are simply...amazing. They taste so good, it's incredible. Mrs. Durand, I've noticed that your accent in english is that of someone that's used to the language, only a little bit rusty."

  "A, it's Jocelyn. Yes, for quite some time I was used to english. Your mother was a dear friend of mine and she helped me learn the language. I miss her so much, you look just like her..." she stopped, because tears formed in her eyes.

  "Oh, you too knew her well. Lucien told me that he would talk to me about her sometime. I want to learn as many things as possible about her. All I wish is that I could have met her."

  "Everyone adored her. Anyway, Élise, may I call you Élise?" she paused so I nodded for her to continue. "She wanted you to be happy and be a beautiful woman filled with grace and kindness. I honestly believe that she would be proud of you." She teared up and hugged me tight. I had never experienced something like that. A hug with someone who knew my mother, who knew a part of me or more accurate someone who knew where I came from. It was a feeling I couldn't quite name. All I knew was that at that palace I found someone who I hoped I could call family one day.

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