Chapter 4: It can be even more weird.

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  Everything seemed majestic. The road leading to the main house was at least half a mile long, full of tall trees. I could see a pond or two somewhere behind them. When we reached the house, it looked anything but a house. It was huge. A small palace. There was a characteristic fountain in the reception area, which formed a circle for the car to turn in order to leave us exactly outside the door. To say that I was dumbfounded, would be an understatement. It all looked so aristocratic, like from a different era. It must have been centuries ago built. If Mr. Gautreaux noticed how I looked at everything, he didn't comment. The young guy, Moris' son perhaps, offered to help me with my things. He lead the way inside. I was intimidated by everything I had seen and it was just the outside. When I saw the reception area, I was dumbstruck once again. There were two huge stairs leading upstairs and various doors. Flowers were everywhere. Roses to be exact. Blood red, white, even blue. It may sound a bit too much, but they were arranged beautifully. The art on display could compete with that of a museum. It was gorgeous.

  "This way, mademoiselle" Moris coughed to get my attention and guided me to the room I was to stay.

  "I'm sorry about the décoration of your room, mademoiselle Rose. We didn't have time to re..arrange it for you. You could tell me what you'd like and I will have a maid come to you. Mr. Gautreaux has asked for your présence at 8. A maid will come to help you." Moris said before he left me alone in my room. He couldn't speak very well english, it was like he hadn't practiced it for a while. I'd sure like him.

  The room I was to stay was enormous. The decoration was extraordinary, just like the rest of the house from what I saw. I couldn't even imagine what he could change to make it even more pretty. As any girl in her right mind, I opened the walk-in closet to find it full of gowns, blouses, skirts, bags and shoes. There were shelves with lingerie and accessories. Every single thing was my size. It was getting too creepy to simply stay here and wait for dinner. I had to do something, ask someone what was going on.

  I locked the door of my bedroom and for good measures locked also the door of the en-suite. I had a quick shower to wash the travel away and dressed with a simple pair of jeans, snickers and top. I had work to do.
  "Aa mademoiselle Épine, I've been expecting you" said the person behind the big desk. I was in a huge library/office. There at the desk, an older good looking man was staring at me. His features were soft  and gentle. His tone too. He had light brown eyes and black hair with some grey hairs. I could tell that when he was young he must have been at the border of pretty.

  "I'm sorry for disturbing you, mister..."

  "I'm sorry, I forgot my  manners" he told me, as he got up to introduce himself properly.

  "I'm Lucien Gautreaux. I believe you've met my son, Dominique."

  "Yes, we've met. I'm sorry, but could you explain to me what is going on?" I asked him as gently as I could.

  "I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Please take a sit" he asked me nicely. I sat and waited for him to start talking.

  "Élise, may I call you Élise?" he asked me and I nodded my answer. "Merçi. Élise, your father and I were best friends. I considered him my brother. I know it was the same as well for him. Unfortunately he's no longer here with us. He would love to meet you I'm sure and if I may say, he'd be proud of how beautiful you are. You look just like your mother, except from the eyes. These are your father's. Would you like to see a photo of Gaël?" he asked me, while searching for the photo.

  "You knew my mother?" that's all I could muster to say.

  "Mais oui. What kind of best friend would I be if I hadn't met the one true love of my best friend?" he stated while still searching.

  "What was she like? All I know is what my father has told me. My adopted I mean"

  "Josephine was simply an angel. I don't know what else to say. She had grace, intelligence, beauty, manners. Thank God Gaël met her. She changed his life. Ah I found it!" he said proudly. He seemed so fun to talk to. He handed me the picture.

  There were two tall, young men grinning at the camera. They wore suits and looked genuinely happy and proud of themselves. The one on the left looked like Lucien, so the other one must have been Gaël. My father. It sounded strange in my mind. His eyes were a soft olive green, just like mine. It was strange looking at him.

  "That's the day we closed our first big deal. We were unbelievably proud and thought that life couldn't get prettier. We were wrong, there are greater things than deals, but that's a story for an other day."

  "What kind of deal, if I may ask?" I was quite curious, considering the house and everything.

  "That's also a story for an other day" he laughed bitterly.

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