Chapter 3: A weird welcome home.

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  The next thing I knew, Anne and Claire were waving me off wishing me good luck and to find what I'm looking for. They wanted to come with me, more like whined, but I insisted that this was a journey that I had to do alone. Even though I appreciated their support and treasured it, there some things that you should do by yourself. This was definitely one of them.

  As the air stewardess was helping me with my not so small bag, I felt the presence of someone behind me the exact moment that she froze to stare at whoever was behind me. Of course I turned around to see which was the big deal. I froze too for a bit. He looked ridiculously familiar, but I couldn't place him. His eyes were a light blue color and his hair were jet black. He didn't seem to care that I was staring at him or that I took my time getting off the plane. I realized how weird I was acting and took my things as quickly as I could and disembarked.

  I heard someone call my name, it was an old man holding a piece of paper with "Élise Épine" written on it. I assumed that it was a misunderstanding and told him so.

  "You're miss Elise Rose, correct?" he asked me with a sweet, french accent.
  "Yes. How do you know me? I didn't ask the hotel for someone to wait for me." I told him trying not to sound round.
  "Aa oui. No one told you, I'm sent from your house mademoiselle. Je suis Moris." je explained, but I was still confuse.

  "Nice to meet you Moris, but-"

  "Moris, let me explain Ms.Rose what's happening" someone said behind me. I turned to see him, it was the mystery guy of the plane.

  "Hello, ms.Rose. I'm Mr. Gautreaux. What Moris wishes to tell you is that you have family here waiting for you. Home. If you would like.." he explained with a faint accent, nothing like Moris. He gestured me to follow Moris and for some weird reason, I did.

  There was a shiny limousine waiting for us outside of the airport. The old man opened the door for me and a young man looking a lot like Moris put my things at the trunk of the car, along with Mr. Gautreaux's. I felt like I was hypnotized. I don't question a thing, perhaps I should. How did they know who I was, why had they written Épine instead of Rose? Where were we going to? The most important of all, was Mr. Gautreaux my relative?

  "Before you ask Ms. Rose, no we are not related. Now please do not disturb me on our way home, I have work to do." the mysterious man said without even lifting his head from the papers in front of him.

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