Chapter 8: It's all a big question mark.

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  I woke up to the sound of soft notes on the piano. This melody reminded me of something I couldn't name. I got of the bed and put on a baby blue, satin robe and followed the sweet sound. What I saw stopped me at the door. Dominique was sitting on the piano stool playing this beautiful melody that I still couldn't remember.

  The way the light shown through his hair and his long, thick fingers danced over the keys was almost angelic. The contrast was pretty big. Someone who acted so unkind to others and impolite, could treat the keyboard so softly, so kindly. I was so invested in watching him that I hadn't understood that he stopped playing.

  "You know, it's impolite to stalk on people. Even for you"

  Did he actually just said that? How could I ever relate him with anything angelic, was unknown.

  "It is also impolite to wake up others." I didn't know what else to say, I simply wanted him to continue playing.

  "It's not my fault that you sleep till noon." He continued playing, as if he had heard my inner thoughts.

  "This melody reminds me something, but I can't pin it. I remember some visions, some other sounds accompanying it. Laughter, a day having picnic, roses, a lake..."

  He abruptly stopped and stood up. "I...", he looked at me as if for the first time. That's when I realized I was only in a thin, satin robe sporting bedroom's hair. "I hope you'll find what you're searching for. Excuse me, I have a business to attend to." And he left.

I got back to my room trying to figure out what exactly had just happened. Anyway, I still had things to learn and people to talk to. I put on my lady dress, my sharp heels and I was ready to hunt some answers.
  "Mademoiselle, bonjour! Why are you here? My job is to bring you your breakfast and wake you up gently!" Mathilde exclaimed, she was freaking out and honestly I was worried for her health. As soon as I entered the kitchen, she seemed ready to faint.

  "Mathilde! Breathe. What did I tell you? don't stress about trivial things like that. I came to have breakfast with you guys, I really enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, the room is beautiful, but I've eaten breakfast alone for a long time and it's a wonderful change to be able to sit with you. If I'm not a trouble in here, of course." I told Mathilde and Jocelyn.

  "Élise, ma cherie. Of course you are welcome to sit with us. Mathilde, Élise is right. You should calm yourself, she's a grown woman. Actually, you both have the same age." Jocelyn said trying to form a friendship between us. Little did she know that in my mind Mathilde and I were already on our way there.

  "Mademoiselle, maman is right. I should relax from time to time. Please, excuse me if I offended you." she politely told me, but I could see the way her mind was working. She could relax that easy.

  "You can start by calling me Élise and not mademoiselle. How does this sound?" I smiled at her as I took a sit on the barstool next to where she was standing. Perhaps I could convince Jocelyn to give me some answers.

  "So, Jocelyn, I was wondering, could you talk to me about my mother? You've told me you were best friends when she was living here. How was she?" I asked cautiously as to not give away from the start the reason I was asking.

"She was the most gracious woman I had ever met. Even with the way Lucien treated, she never-" she stopped right away when she realized what she almost had said.

"What did Lucien do?"I asked her what both Mathilde and I were clearly thinking. When she was saying anything more I carried on, "Jocelyn, please, tell me what happened. No one tells me anything. All I know is that the man I grew up to think of as my father, was not in fact my father and the real one is dead just like my mother. Oh and he's French, so now I'm in Paris searching for answers. Please, Jocelyn..." I could see her cracking. She was going to tell me, but then he interrupted us.

Who Am I? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora