Chapter 16: Wild Waters

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Because of the storms earlier, the waves were a bit more powerful in the sea, even if it wasn't going to rain the remainder of Star and Marco's trip. Still, they went into the water, and playfully splashed each other. "Hehe stop Star!" Marco giggled. "NEVER!" Star screamed cheerfully as she laughed. All was going well, until Star decided to sit in the water while active waves crashed by. A wave hit Star in the face, and due to the saltwater, she couldn't see.

"Marco, where are you?!? My eyes sting! Marco!" Star panicked as she walked in circles, temporarily blinded by the agony of saltwater in her eyes. "Star, I'll come to you. Let me go get one of the towels to wipe your eyes. Stand up so the waves don't hit you." Marco said as he darted to the beach tent to get a towel. Marco had then arrived back, and wiped Star's eyes with the towel, walking her to shore. "Are you ok dear?" Marco asked, worried about the girl.

"I am now. And with you by my side, I feel even better." Star said as she gave Marco a hug. "Star, I was collecting shells the other day, and I found this pinkish-reddish shell I thought you would love." Marco said as he put the shell in Star's hands. "Oh Marco... It's beautiful... I want to take it home with us..." Star said before tightly hugging Marco and giving him kisses all over his cheek. "I luuuuuuuv you Marco!" Star said playfully while rubbing the boy's hair.

"I love you too Star. I swear you're always so dang cute." Marco said, blushing and smiling at the same time. "Even if that wave slapped me in the face, I've had a really good day. Even when the storms took away our beach time this morning." Star said. "I did too Star. I was so glad I could take you to this beautiful resort. I'm even more glad that it's not very crowded, because spending time with you is the highlight of this honeymoon." Marco said while putting his hand on Star's cheek.

Star started to tear up a bit, but in a happy way. She was so happy to be at the beach with the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. "Marco, kiss me." Star said while wrapping her arms around Marco's neck. So, Marco locked his lips with Star's, wrapping his arms around her waist. The deeper they kissed, the tighter their loving embrace got. Star felt like she was the luckiest girl on Earth and Mewni combined, because she was having such a wonderful honeymoon, with no other than Marco Diaz.

"You're so cute Star..." Marco said as the moons on his cheeks started to glow. "Marco, you're just making me want to kiss you more. Silly boy." Star said as she shared another kiss with Marco. "I love you so much Star..." Marco said. "I love you more Diaz." Star said. "We should head back to the room. The sun is about to set, and we need to eat dinner." Star said. "Ok Star. Let's go up." Marco said as he collected all the things, and Star waved goodbye to the beach.

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