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We were finally back home. The boys had all went to nap while I had too much energy since I slept on the plane so I decided to help and unpack for them and do their laundry.

I carried each members luggage to their rooms and began unpacking. It took a couple hours but I got it done and decided to sit on the couch and watch tv. I was looking at my phone until I felt someone in my presence, I looked up and saw it was Yoongi.

"Hey sleepyhead." I said happily. He said nothing but just came and sat next to me. He hugged my waist and laid his head on my shoulder.

"I couldn't really fall asleep." He said tiredly. "Well you rest, I'll wake you up okay?" I said looking down at him. "Thanks." He said while falling asleep.

About an hour later, my phone dinged with a notification: Get new schedule. I widened my eyes and shook Yoongi lightly. "Yoongi, it's time to wake up." I whispered in his ear. "Mhm I'm tired." He said hugging me more. "I know but I need to wake up Jin to make dinner and we need to go get your schedule for the next few months." I said rubbing his back. "Fine fine, I'll wake up." He said cutely. I smiled in victory.


After moving off of Eunji, I looked at her. She was just so cute.

"I wanna talk to you." I said. She froze before sitting comfortably. "What's up?"

"I like this girl, like really like her. She's gorgeous, the only one who makes me laugh, and she's just plain perfect. I want to be with her so bad." I confessed with hope that she got the message. "I love her so much but I cant have her, it might ruin everything." I added. Eunji had a sad expression on her face like she about to cry, did I say something wrong? "Why can't you have her?" She asked, her voice cracking. I took a deep breath, before saying something that'll change everything, "Because, she's you."


I felt hurt, I mean how is he supposed to know I like him? "Why can't you have her?" I ask. Fuck, my voice cracked. "Because, she's you." He said.

I completely froze, my heart stopped. I was finding a way to say words but Jin had came into the living room.

"That nap was amazing! Hey Eunji, would you be able to go to the store to pick up some ingredients please? Jin asked. I shook off my thoughts and nodded. "Yeah sure. Text me the list and I'll be on my way, just let me change." I said before quickly running up the stairs.


I watched Eunji interact with Jin. Does she not like me? I should ask Jin if he knows anything, he practically adopted her.

"Hey Jin, does Eunji like anyone?" I asked. "Yeah, you. How do you not see that her smile gets brighter with you around, or how she gets sad when you ignore at times, and even how she has this look in her eyes whenever you perform. She loves you." I was speechless, the girl I've loved for so long loves me back.

I quickly ran up the stairs wanting to see her. I opened the door and saw her fixing her shirt. She froze and began rushing to fix herself like she wanted to get away from me. I closed the door and locked it.


I tried passing Yoongi but he would follow my footsteps until he had enough and pinned me against the door. He looked at me with so many emotions but one of them was love. "I know you love me." He breathed out. I hesitated, "I do."

He stared at my face with so much love. It felt good but scary at the same time. I snapped out of my daze, "Uh I need to go to the store." I tried moving from Yoongi's grasp but he cupped my face and slowly leaned in.

The kiss was slow and passionate. He smiled which made me smile too. We pulled away few minutes later and stared at him. "I love you Eunji." My smile got bigger, "I love you too."

Yoongi pecked my lips before unlocking the door. "I'll go with you to the store." I nodded and then we went our way to the store.


I was in the living-room watching my favorite show when the door unlocked and laughter was filled into the house. I smiled while looking at Eunji and Yoongi. It was clear something happened and I was more than happy.

"Jin! I'm back." Eunji tried saying between laughter. "I see. Well thank you." I said and took the bags from their hands.

"I can help Jin." Eunji offered. "No, I'll be okay. Go be with your boyfriend." I smirked. The two widened their eyes which made me laugh. "It's good, go now."

They smiled and left to their room.


I wasn't so shocked that Jin had knew about Yoongi and I. He's known both of us a long time to tell when something is up.

I opened our bedroom door and went to my bed. My head was hurting and I desperately needed a nap. "Baby? You tired?" Yoongi asked, taking a seat on the corner of my bed. I hummed, "My head hurts a bit. I didn't nap earlier." I felt his body leave my bed, I could care less at that moment so I closed my eyes and drifted off to dreamland.


Eunji looked so cute, cuddled up on my chest. Earlier, I got her some pain pills and a glass of water but once I got back, she was dead asleep. I placed the things down before crawling next to her and pulled her close to my chest.

I kissed her forehead and caressed her cheeks. I wasn't feeling tired because of the nap I took earlier so I went on my phone to pass the time.

About an hour had gone by when I heard Jin yell that dinner was ready. I turned off my phone and gently moved so I could wake up Eunji. "Baby, it's time to eat." I whispered in her ear. She shifted a bit before slowly opening her eyes.  I smiled, "Good morning baby." She smiled and and slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. She's so cute.


I wanted to sleep more but if I did, I'd be up the whole night. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. Yoongi had gotten off the bed and pulled me out of the covers and pecked my lips. I smiled, "Go downstairs, I'll be there in a bit." He smiles and nods.

Once he left, I fixed my hair into a messy bun and changed into some gray sweats and a black cami crop top. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to see all of the boys at the table. I smiled, "Hey guys." They turned and greeted me. I sat somewhat across from Yoongi, placing me between Hoseok and Jimin.

I began placing things on my plate while conversations were being started. I began eating my food, joining in the conversation a few times before realizing I needed some salt. I looked around the table before I saw the salt near Yoongi. "Excuse me guys but baby, could you pass me the salt please?" I kindly interrupted. "Iron man is so much better dude-wait what did you just say?" Jungguk asked. I laughed nervously before Jin began screaming, "Eunji and Yoongi are dating everyone!! My baby Eunji finally got herself a man!" I crumbled a napkin and through it at Jin. "Yah! Leave me alone!"

Seconds later, we all bursted out into laughter and dinner was then filled with laughter, teasing, and a very cute story time.

"Hahaha oh my god. Okay guys, we need to leave soon so I'll clean up and you guys can get ready or whatever you need to do." I said before grabbing the dirty plates. "Thanks Eunji but you don't need to. I got it." said Jin. "No, it's okay. Please let me help." I said with a pout. "Aish, fine." I clapped my hands in victory before beginning to clear off the table.

Everyone had left and I began washing the dishes. I placed the clean dishes on the dish rack and then grabbed some tupperware's to use for the leftovers. The boys didn't take long and they were all in the living room by the time I was done.

"Okay, we can go now." I said while putting on my shoes. They nodded and began our way to the van. Yoongi had pulled me back which made me confused. "Everything okay?" I asked, cupping his face. "Yeah, it's just cold so I brought you this." I look and see one of his hoodie's. I smile and thank him before putting it on. "You look adorable." He chuckles. I giggle and peck his lips. "Come on."

Hi! Finally finished editing this chapter after months. Sorry for any grammar/spelling errors!

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