The First Circle of Friends

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"Sandra," A young boy's voice called from across a small grass field.  

Sandra was lying on the grass, asleep. She thought she could feel her mother's presence as the cool wind touched her pale skin. She opened her little blue eyes and looked at the boy not much older than herself. The boy had pink hair and blue eyes that were similar to hers. His skin was also pale like hers. She sat up to meet his gaze.

He smiled and placed his hand on the top of her head. "Your blue hair is always so soft." 

Sandra smiled. "What is it, Ryan? Where's Zander?"

"Zander and I were playing tag, but I can't find him anymore," Ryan said with a frown.

Sandra frowned. "Really?" 

"No!" A girl cried from the nearby playground.

Sandra looked over at the playground. The girl had long, curly brown hair and a poofy, princess-like dress at the top of a slide. She was yelling down at a boy with rich, dark almond skin and pink hair. His eyes were a light blue. 

The boy laughed and held his hands out at the bottom of the slide. "Come on, Queeny! I'll catch you!" 

"My name's Quinn, Koren!" She looked down at the boy and frowned. She hesitated. "Are you sure you'll catch me?" 

Koren eagerly nodded. "I'll always catch you." 

Quinn took a deep breath and lowered herself to sit on the slide. She let out a whimper. "Okay... I'll slide down now." 

"Come on," Koren called out. "It's not even a big slide..."

Quinn closed her eyes and slid down. She laughed as she slid. Koren held onto Quinn when she reached the bottom of the slide. Koren let out an oof as Quinn's foot almost hurt his side. 

"That was fun!" 

"I told you it'd be," Koren winced and fell on his knees, dropping Quinn. 

Quinn gasped. "Koren, what's wrong?" 

"You're heavy!" 

Sandra and Ryan ran over to the two. "Are you okay?" 

Quinn's eyes began to water. "Can you guys help him? Are your parents here?" 

"What's going on?" A boy with turquoise hair and blue eyes joined the children. "What happened?" 

"Zander," Ryan said. He quickly tagged Zander on Zander's shoulder. "You're it." 

Zander raised a brow. "It's been over an hour!" He frowned.

"You don't have a watch," Ryan said. 

Quinn's brows furrowed. "We have a bigger problem." 

Koren smiled. "I'm okay, Queeny. I just didn't know how to catch you this time." 

Quinn looked at Koren and smiled. "So you're okay?" 

"Duh," Koren responded. 

"What grade are you guys in," Ryan asked, scratching some of his pink hair off the back of his neck. 

"I'm in second grade," Koren replied. 

"I'm in first grade," Quinn answered. 

"Oh!" Sandra smiled. "I'm in second grade too. What's your name?" 

"Koren," Koren said. 

"So is your name Queeny," Zander asked Quinn.

"No. That's just something Koren calls me for some reason," Quinn said. "My name is Quinn." 

Zander nodded. "I'm Zander and this is Ryan. We're both in first grade like you." 

Sandra smiled. "We should all be friends." 

Koren and Quinn looked at each other. 

"Can we make more friends," Quinn asked. 

"Well, yeah," Koren said. "I don't think there's a limit to it." 

~~Your blue hair is always so soft

An Acute Cantarella of Romeo and CinderellaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu