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Sandra was as comfortable as she could be for the night in her little apartment. She was wearing her pajamas, cuddled up with a blanket, on her couch, watching T.V. Her blue hair was now down to the middle of her back, and it was naturally wavy. She was watching a documentary about Jack the Ripper and how they were still looking for him to this day. Her roommate was a graveyard shift LPN, so she didn't have to worry about the volume too much. 

Sandra's phone vibrated. It was a call from Ryan. She answered. 

"Hey, you okay," She answered. "Aren't you supposed to be on a date?"

Ryan's voice was much deeper than from when he was a child. "Yeah. It's just that Myra didn't show up to our date again. She said she couldn't make it because her dog made a mess everywhere while she was at work... Again." 

"I thought she said she was training it," Sandra said. 

"She did say that. I even bought her a nice kennel with some extra money from my part time job," Ryan said. He didn't sound happy. "I don't know what she's doing. She says one thing, but the results say another. She's also been kind of absent minded on our dates lately. Well... the ones she does show up to. She keeps saying I hangout with her friend, Shiro, too much at my part time job-- or that I visit the café too much." 

Sandra rolled her eyes. "She's being dumb. You've gone to that café every afternoon even before Shiro started working there. You even went there all the time before YOU started working there. I'm sorry she's treating you like this." 

Ryan was silent for a minute. Sandra could tell he was agitated. 

Ryan broke the silence. "Anyway, I was wondering if I could come over for a bit. Since... you know." 

Sandra's eyes widened. "Oh. Well, I..." 

Ryan let out a small laugh. "You're in your pajamas already?" 

"Y-yeah," Sandra replied. "You can still come over though. I'm not naked. I just might not want to get up and open the door..." 

Ryan let out another laugh. "It's okay. I'll see if Koren can hang out. I haven't seen him in a week or so." 

"I mean... Ryan. If you really need to, you can come over. I know Myra can be tough on you," Sandra said. 

"You sure," Ryan asked. "It's not a big deal, Sandra. We're all hanging out tomorrow anyway. Well, except Koren." 

"I just don't want you to think I'm not here for you," Sandra said. 

"I know you'll always be there for me," Ryan sweetly said. "Who else is gonna help me with Myra? Zander? He's terrible at giving advice." 

Sandra smiled. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow then." 

"See ya." 

Sandra ended the call. She frowned. She wanted to be there for Ryan, but he changed his mind too quickly for her to respond. She played the next part of the documentary.

However, Sandra could only think of what Ryan said about always being there for him.

Sandra was there for his first and second girlfriend. She was still there for him now with his third girlfriend Myra. She was there for their first pregnancy scare. She was there for him since the day they met.

However, Sandra knew that she wasn't the one to solve all his problems. Zander knew what to say when Ryan's first girlfriend broke up with him. And Zander turned Ryan's second girlfriend down and told Ryan that she was trying to have an affair.

Perhaps this was one of those moments.

She picked up her phone and dialed Zander.

"This is Zander's phone. Mind leaving a message? Haha."  The beep cued.
She sighed and hung up.

"I just wanted to make sure Ryan would be okay."

~~I know you'll always be there for me.

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