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Ryan sighed as he leaned against the wall of the restaurant where he would have had a date with Myra. His hair was pink, and he had a very slim figure. He barely ate these days. No. It was more he didn't have time to eat because of how much he worked. His pale skin was quite soft, and his thin eyebrows beautifully matched his hair and facial structure. He didn't have the muscles of Koren or Zander, but he promised himself he would join Koren on his workout days at some point.

Ryan looked at his phone and dialed Koren.

"Hey, Ryan. What's up," Koren answered.

"Are you busy right now," Ryan asked.

"No. Actually, I won't be till way later. Wanna go to the Small Café," Koren asked.

"Uhm..." Ryan's eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

"You know what... Nothing. I'll meet you there."

"Okay. Bye."

The call ended, and Ryan replaced his phone in his pocket. He began his walk to the Small Café. He tried to remember Shiro's schedule. She most likely had work at this moment. However, he didn't plan on telling Myra about it even if he did encounter her. He was going to be there for Koren and leave the café. 

Ryan arrived at the Small Café, which was a small, white tiled café. There were small pots of little pink flowers in the center of every white marble, circular café table. The café had a long chalkboard on the wall behind the register and long display of the day's pastries. There was a small area where people could sing or guests played music. He feathered his pink bangs out of his face and walked in. A lady was softly playing her guitar as she sang for the customers and cafe's ambiance. 

Koren was at the back of the café near the register. His hair was still a brilliant pink. It almost matched the pink of Quinn's ombre hair. His ice blue eyes were as beautiful as ever. And his eye brows were thick but beautiful. His brown skin looked very smooth and taken care of. He was wearing a blue hoodie and blue t-shirt.

And Shiro was at the register. Her almond-colored hair was neatly in a bob-cut hairstyle. She was wearing the cafe's black apron over her white dress. That was her favorite way to dress --monochrome. Her yellow eyes spotted Ryan, and she smiled. 

Ryan's shoulders fell as he spotted Shiro, but he was already walking towards Koren. He nervously waved to Shiro was he took his seat in front of Koren. 

"This girl's pretty good," Koren quietly said. "Apparently, she writes all her original songs." 

"That's cool," Ryan said. "Wish I had time to do that." 

Koren smiled at Ryan. "You should help me shop for clothes. There's a certain lady I'm trying to impress." 

"Who," Ryan asked. 

"Her name's Jaime. I met her at my job," Koren said. "She's pretty cute." 

Ryan didn't say anything. He was staring at the flowers in front of him. 

"Ryan," Koren said with concern. 


"What's wrong," Koren asked.

Ryan deeply sighed. "This whole thing with Myra is bothering me. She didn't bother to talk to me too much, and her jealousy is becoming overbearing. I have to constantly remind her of the same thing every single day. And then, she's been ditching me for her dog--who for some odd reason can't be trained or some crap! And then, I..." 

"You, what?" 

Ryan paused. His body relaxed. "I don't want to talk about it here. Can we go somewhere else?" 

Everyone clapped for the lady who sang. 

Shiro placed a coffee cup in front of Ryan. "I think you need this more than anyone else here," she smiled. 

Ryan looked at the coffee cup for a moment. "Thank you, Shiro." He looked at her. "I mean it." 

"You always do," Shiro said. She walked back to the register. 

Koren watched as Ryan took a sip of his coffee. "Hey. Let's go back to my place. I've got full meals there anyway, and Quinn's crashing there tonight." 

"I thought Quinn was busy with some family party or whatever," Ryan said. 

Koren shrugged. "I didn't say she would be there soon. She's coming after the party." 

"How late?" 

"Who knows. But come on. You look like you need to take something off your mind," Koren said, and he stood. 

Ryan stood to follow, but he looked at Shiro. She was talking to a customer, but she quickly waved and returned her attention to the customer. Ryan grabbed the coffee cup and followed after Koren. He looked back once more, but this time Shiro gave him a wink. 

~~I think you need this more than anyone else.

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