A Touch of Poison

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Quinn stared at Nero for a long moment. They were both standing in a study surrounded by books. The large glass window oversaw a beautiful garden. It let in so much moonlight that the two dared not to turn on the lights as their presence would be detected. There was a couch next to the window between them. Quinn was nervously looking at Nero, while Nero was intently staring at Quinn with a smile. 

Quinn took a deep breath. "So that's that? You really just want to be friends." 

Nero elegantly nodded. "As you and your close circle of friends are." He took a step forward. "I'd like to know your problems and your stress. To help you as your company would help mine." 

Quinn looked out the large window. "I just hope you really are over me. I wouldn't want you to feel cheated from this conversation." 

"Everything we say from this point onward will be taken with a touch of poison," Nero said.

Quinn raised a brow. 

Nero smiled. "Don't worry. I didn't use Zander's poison on you. The boy doesn't even make any of it anymore." 

"No. He doesn't since the last girl he tried to escape from." 

"What was her name again," Nero asked. 

"Tammy, I think," Quinn said. 

"What is it between you and Koren anyway," Nero asked as he took another step. 

Quinn shrugged. "He's my best friend ever. He's always been there for me. Always says the right things. He's also really kind, generous, and sweet."

Nero let out a small laugh. "You've always complimented him more than you've ever talked about the guy you said you're in love with. You haven't even told me his name. Why?"

"He's never been a part of this lifestyle," Quinn said. "And I don't fully trust you. Anyone here really."

Nero stepped forward. "So you fully trust people whom know nothing about this lifestyle?"

Quinn paused. "When you have friends you don't have to bargain or pay for, is that even a question? When people want to hang out with me for the simple purpose of being with me instead of some sort of scheme, should that be questioned?" 

Nero stayed silent.

"Besides, I trust Koren the most in this world.  Any world really. He's the only one that knows every side to my life that there is. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving." Quinn turned to walk away. 

"What about the man you're in love with," Nero asked. 

Quinn stopped in her tracks and stayed silent. 

"Shouldn't you trust him most? And if you get with him, what then? He'll just never know about this side of your life? That's pretty toxic, don't you think? On top of that, what will you do with Koren, just have him be the special one that gets to know it all," Nero asked. "You didn't think that far through, did you? You treat every guy you meet here so coldly. Giving one word answers when some of them just want to get to know you. Will you treat him this way? Or will you let him into our world? You're gonna inherit your father's company at some point. Will you let him know then?" 

"Are we friends," Quinn quietly asked. 

Nero smiled. "Is that not what I promised?" 

"Then," Quinn continued, "answer me honestly. Did you genuinely have feelings for me?" 

Nero lowered his eyes. "Of course I did. Still do. That's what I'm trying to hold onto you even if it's by a thread." 

Quinn's eyes widened but she didn't turn around. "Nero, I..." 

"I know. Let's just be friends for now," Nero said. "Companies and families aside. I care for you. I'd like to be there for you. Is that okay?" 

Quinn paused for a moment. Having heard how Nero felt, she realized she cared for him too. However, she also knew that she didn't feel the same way. She took a deep breath and turned to Nero. "Then, we're friends. Don't misread things, please. But also know, I'm cutting this thread. If we somehow end up together it'll be from some new connections to each other. Also, you're not to speak badly or badly treat Koren." 

Nero paused. "So we'll actually be friends." 

Quinn nodded. "Yes. Just please don't get too ahead of yourself or--" 

Nero instantly embraced Quinn. His embrace was warm and tight. Quinn could tell how much he was longing for this. 

Nero whispered, "I know you want my feelings to be spared, but I really will take everything we say and do together from this point onward with a touch of poison. It'll sting having to hear you talk about Korin and the friend you're in love with. It'll be aggravating hearing him call you 'Queeny.' But poison always tastes so sweet." He rested his head against hers. "Even if I become completely intoxicated, I will forever be by your side." 

"Nero..." Quinn sighed. "I almost regret this already." 

Nero smiled. "I never will." 

~~ He's the only one that knows every side to my life that there is.

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