I. Record Deal

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"Well, Lindsey this is a really great album and I can't wait to sign you---" the blonde lady told him. "I'll give you a call once everything is set in action, now all you have to do is sign this."

Reaching for the pen, he had to look up because she had taken it out of his reach.

"Are you gonna read the contract first?" she almost smirked.

"Should I?" he returned the expression.

"Good point," she handed the pen forth. "I'm here to make your dreams come true and help you, not rip you off."

"Well, now that you say that..." he stopped for a second. Eyes glancing at her leering face---he winked at her and signed his name. Sliding the papers back to her, along the table---he waited for more information.

Rolling backwards in her chair, she untucked herself from the desk and stood to file his contract in a drawer. "Alright, as I said; I'll give you a call and let you know when you'll have a studio to start your magic. I've been booked for months and there are some groupies holding me back from what I do. I have to evict them so to speak."

"Sounds tedious..." he commented.

"Not as bad as you would think," she scratched her temple, lightly with a subtle laugh to follow. "Anywho, I look forward to working with you---" she stuck her hand out.

"Me too---I'm excited," he assured. Shaking her hand, gently, he pulled it back and stuck it in his pocket. Staring at her features; he was stunned because she was so completely gorgeous and he couldn't believe she was about to make his career happen.

She wasn't overly dressed up, but she had a very hippie, serene vibe to her and he loved it.

Her hair was straight, some pieces framing her face, yet piled up on her head with a clip. She wore a flowy blouse, bell bottom jeans and some tan platforms. But she had lots of jewelry going on; gold hoop earrings, silver and turqoise cuff bracelets, rings on almost every finger---a mix of gold and silver, and a dainty silver chain around her neck. Not to mention her makeup was natural, but very pretty and not too much.

Being a rock and roll singer and guitarist was his dream and she was going out of her way and it was obvious to him. Although, he had to remember she did this for a living and she was probably just as sweet and genuine to everybody.

"Here's a card if you need anything," she handed it over.

On it, it read; Modern Record Company  and her name Stephanie (Stevie) Nicks, along with a phone number to contact her for any reason at all.

"Cool, I appreciate it," he smiled at her.

"You know... With that attitude, you may just get far," she mentioned. "Not to mention you are gorgeous... That's a great trait."

"You think?" he had to kind of chuckle because if he didn't know any better, she was flirting.

"Mhmm," she nodded, very assuredly. "Believe it... It's how my boyfriend got signed."

He hated when she said that. Boyfriend. That's not what he wanted to hear.

Giving a thumbs up, he started to back away. "See ya," he waved before spinning around to head out.

"Have a good night---" she responded before sitting.

"Ditto," he yelled before exiting, completely. Fully leaving the building he let off a gentle sigh of relief and happiness. "Fuck yeah," he mumbled with a smile.

After a couple years, he finally had the balls to actually show his material. Being a rock musician was his dream and having the small push in the direction, he was so happy he went through and now he was signed to one of the best record companies of time.

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