XXI. Thoughts & Ideas

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Hearing the phone ring, Stevie shifted in bed and kind of hoped it would stop ringing but then she got up soon after, only because she knew it wouldn't.

"Hello?" she answered, sitting herself up so she would be more alert.

"Hey---did I wake you?" Lindsey asked, sympathetically.

It was actually around noon, but he had no idea of her staying up most of the night and he really didn't know about Don even being in her house.

"Kind of..." she chuckled. "What's up?" she ran her fingers through her hair and pushed it to the side.

"Well, I was just letting you know, I'm gonna run an errand or two and then be over. I have a couple things to do after, but I was also wondering if you wanted to go out to lunch in the midst of that or dinner if you're not busy...?" he kind of lingered.

She kind of smirked only because he still got boyish about asking her things when they had spent a whole few months on tour together. "Sure, why not? I think all I have is to run to the studio and come back and get ready. I just have to give Jimmy some papers from the tour and whatever mess I get caught up in there," she chuckled.

"Okay, sounds good and I feel like we're both leaning towards dinner?" he kind of chuckled in return.

"Yeah, that would probably be best---" she nodded as of he could see her.

"Alright, I'll see you..."

"Mhmm, bye..." She put the phone down and kind of looked around her room and then down at her bed and at herself. Chewing in her bottom lip, some events started to come back to her. She then threw her legs over the edge of the bed and headed over to the bathroom so she could wash up and get ready for her day before her thoughts came to eat at her.

After talking to Jimmy the night before, Stevie was a little more relieved because she knew things would get fixed---it was just a matter of time. As far as keeping it from Lindsey, she still believed that was better than telling him. Jimmy added that it didn't really matter if he knew or not, but what she wanted was more important. He knew his boss was better by going with her gut and he stuck by her.

Coming down the stairs of her home, she stayed barefoot and just in her sleeping nighty to go and make herself coffee. Making her coffee, she kind of cleaned off her counter and anything she could to keep busy in the meanwhile.

Her mind had already drifted back to Don and his drugged ways---she wanted to keep her mind off of it and the only way for her to do that was by working or cleaning.

When the coffee finished percolating, she finished up her last task in her kitchen and poured herself a cup. Right after, she picked up her glasses and a book she had been reading and headed over to her breakfast nook to try and get her mind off things.

As she sat and read, she pulled her glasses off---coming up with a very simple thought. Pulling her glasses off, she looked into space as she thought her idea over. She pursed her lips and then bit her bottom lip. "Hm..." she finished her coffee and then put it in the sink to soak and she made her way up the stairs of her house again where she would get ready to go to the studio and then out to dinner with Lindsey.

She planned to take her time with getting ready because she wanted to just wait for Lindsey and give him what he was coming for and then head to the studio. She wasn't exactly sure what his plans for the day were, but she didn't want to cut into that and once she was home, she'd get ready for their dinner date.

Sitting at her vanity with crossed legs, she dusted blush on her cheeks and as she brought the brush up to her temples, she could hear a knock on her door. Removing her leg off the other, she looked at her appearance to make sure she looked okay to see him. Swiping under her eye, she rose from her seat and flowed down the stairs in a small haste. Opening the door, "Hey!" she smiled, wide.

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