VI. I'm So Afraid

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"That guy was watching you a lot..." Don kind of murmured in annoyance to make it obvious for her.

"And?" Stevie, silently sighed as she rolled her eyes away from him. "Plenty of girls look at you every day and especially on tour."

She wasn't oblivious to the fact that she got male attention, but when Don brought it up---it was always an issue.

"Well, I'm just saying and you didn't do anything about it."

"What is it that you want me to do, Don?" she turned, easily to face him. Placing her hands on her hips, "What do you want me to do?" she repeated.

He stayed quiet because, he knew technically that she couldn't do anything about it. And he definitely didn't have the balls to tell her to dress differently or to not talk to men.

Coming closer, "There isn't anything I can do," she shook her head. She then moved a hand to his shoulder and the other to his chest. "There isn't anything you can do either..." she, gently sighed---thinking over the fact that women stared at him as well.

"It's just that everybody falls in love with you."

"Yeah, I love you---" she assured. "I really do, so don't think I don't."

"I know one day you're not gonna be mine."

"Why do you say that?" she looked up, letting her eyes meet his for the first time.

If she was being honest with herself, she knew it wasn't going to last forever either. She knew that their relationship would eventually end up falling apart. She was just afraid of the after effect; the heartbreak of getting over it. She believed that was the worst feeling in the world.

"You're gonna meet somebody better than me. Somebody who can be here for you and not on tour every few months, he's home."

"How do you know I don't find another handsome singer?" she had to tease.

Chuckling, "Right... You could," he agreed.

"Look---don't talk about this. I want to live in the now of things," she laced her fingers with his. "I don't want small things to bother you and I'll do whatever I can to prevent them. It's just hard, y'know?"

"Like you said, you have no control. I'm just a jealous guy---" he smirked.

"No doubt," she smiled. "I love you for that though. But we could do without this conversation weekly."

"Okay," he nodded. "So, I was gonna ask you a question..."

"What's up?" she softened---listening carefully.

"Well... I was wondering if you'd be willing to go on tour with me?"

"Of course I'd be willing, but I can't. I have to work, honey. I have to get Lindsey going, I still have other clients and I can't leave Jimmy with all that."

"Dude, Jimmy is your right hand---he should be able to handle that..." he forcefully dropped his hands away from her waist. "And what's this about Lindsey, all the time? Ever since you signed him, you don't stop talking about him."

"First of all, I'm not dude---I'm not one of your friends so don't talk to me as if I were," she stated, clearly. "And second; he's a good guy... Not even that, he's good at what he does. It's my job to make sure he's on the right track, Don. This is what I do."

"And you're supposed to be helping me, too. If you've not forgotten, I'm your client, too," he said, making space between the two.

"And I went with you on your first tour. I'm gonna do the same for Lindsey---like I have for every other client." Taking a few steps closer, "I wish you would understand that nothing is personal. It's universal---I did it with my friend Vanessa, Sheryl... It's what I do."

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