Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Robert was all set to go, until he heard someone knocking on the door. Robert walked to the door and opened it; he found a very pissed off Vera standing in the doorway. Robert rolled his eyes as he stepped aside to let her in, he didn't have time for Vera's antics right now.

"What do you want; I was just on my way out?" Robert said, Vera made her way over to the sofa and sat down, making herself comfortable. Robert groaned and shut the door; he wasn't going to get rid of her anytime soon. "Vera unless this is important, it can wait. I really need to get on the road if I want to make it back home early. By the way how did you even find out I was leaving?" Robert tapped his foot impatiently.

"Oh you really think I'm going to let you drive alone for six hours after you just suffered a blow to the head. How is your head anyway?" Robert shrugged his shoulders, Vera shook her head. "Next time if you're going somewhere don't tell Nora, because she tells Vince and he tells me everything. Robert I get you wants to make things right with Preston, but you have to think about yourself too. What if something happens to you on the road? What good is that going to do you if you get hurt or even worse get killed?" Robert knew she was right back he just wanted to see Preston, he wanted to tell him it's ok that they can get through this together.

"I know but I have to see him. I'm not ready nor do I ever think I'll be able to give up on us. He is my one and only." Robert pleaded.

"Then call him, it will be better to call him than to drive home and something happen to you before you have the chance to make up with him." Robert ran his fingers through his hair, he was frustrated and Vera nagging at him wasn't helping him either.

"Ok first of all I did try calling him first, he isn't answering his phone. I don't know if he just doesn't want to talk to me or if something has happened to him ok. So I'm just freaking out a little bit, and that is why I have to go now to see him." She knew why Preston wasn't answering his phone, it was because he was getting tired of people calling him and yelling at him for messing up. She felt guilty, because it was because of her he had left back home. She just couldn't understand how he could just cheat like that on Robert, especially with such a jerk too.

"Ok I understand where you're coming from, but you're in no condition to drive alone. All I'm asking is to wait until tomorrow. Then you can get everything you have to tell Preston in order." Robert stared at her; he knew she wasn't going to let him leave today.

"I don't really have a choice do I?" Vera shook her head and smiled at him; he sighed and just finally sat down on the sofa with her. "Fine I'm just going to take a wild guess here, but I'm guessing you're not going to leave me alone here either, am I right?"

"Yes sir you are correct, now come on. You can join Xavier and me for movie night." Vera got off the sofa and grabbed Roberts's hand. What he always wanted to become the third wheel on someone else's date. He much rather sit in a room full of rabid dogs.

"Wait what movies are we watching, because I'm just not in the mood to try and pretend to watch a romance movie."

"I'm not as lucky as most to have a boyfriend who would endure that much torture, as Xavier likes to put it. Which I have been meaning to ask you, you hate romance movies, yet you would always watched them for Preston why?" Vera probed.

"Because you would do anything for the one you love. It does make it easier to bear when you can look at the one you love and just see how happy they look." Robert smiled weakly at Vera as he got off the sofa. Vera grabbed onto Roberts arm.

"Don't worry you two will get through this, I have never seen a love like you two. All you two need to do is just talk and get everything out into the open. That is going to be the only you two will be able to move past this and onto the happy future you two deserve."

"Well I'm trying but someone isn't letting me go." Vera rolled her eyes and started dragging Robert to the door.

"Oh hush it, or I will make you watch titanic." Robert scrunched up his nose.

"Ugh fine let's just go, the sooner this night is over, the sooner I can head home and try to make things right with Preston."

"Ok good come on, I have to also pick up some take out and the movies." Robert nodded his head and let Vera drag him to her car.

Robert sat there watching the movie Vera had picked out; if it was any other time he would have been into the movie. However right now his mind was preoccupied with what Preston was doing right now. He knew that he wasn't in the best mood right now. He wished he was with him right now; he would stare at Vera and Xavier. They look so happy together, he wondered if that was how he and Preston looked like. He wanted that right now, he can't stand just sitting there anymore.

"Vera can you take me back to the apartment?" watching them two together wasn't helping his mood right now. "Don't worry it's too late for me to take off and a storm is move in, like I said I would wait until morning and I will, just take me back home." Vera nodded her head and took him back to his apartment. Robert sat quietly during the ride as he watches the rain fall, it was getting ugly. Even if he wanted to head home right now, the rain wasn't going to make it an easy ride home.

"I'm sorry, I know you really wanted to make things right with Preston, but for once in your life you need to think about yourself." Robert just sat there listening to Vera, but he wasn't really listening. He just nodded his head, he just wanted to go home and go to bed to make the time go by faster. When Vera finally pulled up to his apartment the rain had gotten worse and it was dark outside.

"Crap I forgot to leave the front light on." Robert stared out the window; he could barely make out the front door. "You don't happen to have a flashlight on you?" Vera reached behind his seat and pulled one out and handed it to him. "Thanks I'll give it back to you later." Robert turned it on and got ready to run to the door.

"Hey do you want me to wait until you get inside?"

"No you can leave, I'll be fine. I'll call you before I leave tomorrow." Robert opened the car door and waved bye to Vera and started to run to the door, as he got closer he could hear someone crying. When Robert pointed the flashlight to the front door he saw someone huddled by the door and they were crying. He looked closer and noticed the dirty blond hair, he just knew who it was, and he run up to them and placed his hand on their arm. He didn't know how long they had been sitting outside in the rain, but they were soaking wet and cold.

"Amor why are you sitting out here in the rain?" Preston lifted his head up to look at Robert and started to cry again. Robert got up and opened the door; he then lifted Preston into his arms and took him inside to get him out of the rain.

*A/N Um yeah kind of left you hanging there again, Sorry! but no worries next chapter will be great, p.s. check out the video i think the song fits perfect for Robert and Preston.

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