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By the time Kakashi, Naruto and Himika entered the room, Sakura was already pressing the nurse for orders, along with Temari. Lying in the bed was a boy with brown hair and purple face-paint, barely recognizable because the face paint had almost been completely washed off. No doubt though, it was Kankuro, the puppet boy Himika still remembered roasting three years ago. His face was now coated in a thick sheen of sweat and he seemed to be fazing in and out of consciousness. 

"What the hell happened?" Temari exclaimed, grabbing the very shaken nurse.

"Blood loss? Poison? Low blood pressure?!" Sakura added, also grabbing the nurse.

Naruto looked extremely nervous, not quite sure of what to do. Both Kakashi and Himika sighed, also not really knowing what to do. The nurse wobbled for a moment, grabbing onto the bedside for support and shakily holding out a clipboard.

"Here... Take... It..." She mumbled, stumbling out of the room.

Sakura snatched the clipboard, her emerald eyes scanning the sheet several times before her head snapped up.

"He's been poisoned," She said frowning. "But by who? And what kind of poison?"

"Don't look at me!" Temari snapped. "I'd like to know!"

"Excuse me?"

"What?!" Temari and Sakura snapped, glaring at the doctor who came in.

"Uh, someone here may be able to help you." He said as a short old woman stepped out from behind him.

"This must be the work of Sasori." She said, her arms crossed.

"Sasori?" Kakashi said. "Like Sasori of the Red Sands?"

The old woman turned to Kakashi and looked up at him, the colour draining from her face.

"The White Fang of Konoha?" She gasped, taking a defensive position. "I thought he died."

"He did," Kakashi sighed. "I'm his son, Kakashi Hatake. Now please don't attack me, we're in a hospital."

"He had a son?" She chuckled. "Well, alright then."

"Lady Chiyo, could you please tell me what happened to Kankuro?" Temari asked.

"Kankuro went after Gaara-sama's kidnappers and was stopped by Sasori," Chiyo grumbled. "Sasori's puppets are known for using weapons coated in poisons which he makes himself."

"Can't we give him an antidote?" Temari asked.

"Antidotes take time to make, and who knows if we have the ingredients to make it." Chiyo sighed.

"Have the doctors already started making an antidote?" Himika asked, feeling quite ignored.

"They have analyzed the poison, that's all." Chiyo frowned.

"Kankuro could die!" Temari choked.

"Get me a sample of his blood and lead me to the analyzing lab," Sakura ordered the doctor. "I also need access to all the medicinal herbs this village can offer."

"I don't know if I'm allowed to do that." The doctor replied.

"Look, do you want me to save his ass or not?" Sakura huffed.

"Follow me."

Sakura, Chiyo, Temari, and the doctor all left the room, leaving Naruto, Kakashi and Himika alone with Kankuro.

"Well, why don't you two go find the inn we will be staying at? The name is on this paper." Kakashi suggested. "I'll go meet up with Sakura."

"Sure," Naruto shrugged. "I don't get all this medical stuff anyway."

"I tear things apart, I don't fix shit." Himika said, crossing her arms.

"Wonderful, Sakura and I will meet you there in a bit to update you both on the situation." Kakashi said, passing the slip of paper to Himika.

"See you in a bit, good luck with all this Sakura." Himika nodded, giving Sakura her words of encouragement.

"Good luck Sakura!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, now get out of here so I can work!" Sakura replied.

Naruto and Himika quickly left, walking out into the unfamiliar streets of Suna.

"No way are we going to be able to find an inn on our own." Himika sighed.

"We can just ask around." Naruto replied with a shrug.

"Lead the way, I can't talk to people." Himika said, handing the paper to Naruto.

"Kakutasu?" Naruto read out.

"That's what it says." Himika shrugged.


Shikamaru carried bags in both his hands as he checked behind him. The two young teens were still following him, with little Hinami chatting non-stop and Kentaro diligently listening.

"I'm warning you both now, my parents are going to be home." Shikamaru sighed.

"Oh, that's fine!" Hinami chirped, Kentaro nodding.

"I'm just saying that I don't know how they'll react," Shikamaru grimaced. "I did tell them about Himika and her situation, but they don't know that Hinami is similar to her."

"Oh." Hinami said, scuffing the toe of her sandal along the ground.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, you're a sweet girl." Shikamaru said, waving his hand. "If anything I'm sure my mom would love to have you around. She always complains about not having a daughter. I'm not even worried about Kentaro."

"When do we start school?" Hinami asked.

"First thing tomorrow," Shikamaru replied. "The rest of tonight will be spent making sure you both understand how this world works."

"And where will we sleep?" Kentaro asked.

"We have more than enough spare rooms for both of you, my house is the biggest in the compound because my family is the clan head." Shikamaru answered. "We're almost there."

They entered the compound and headed to Shikamaru's house, gaining no more attention than you'd expect from Nara's. A few glances, some shrugs, and the occasional eyebrow raise. But they made it to the house without a delay. Shikamaru opened the front door, ushering Hinami and Kentaro in.

"I'm home!" Shikamaru called into the house, taking off his shoes.

"In the kitchen!" A female voice replied.

Hinami and Kentaro slipped off their shoes, following Shikamaru into the kitchen. A woman with long dark brown hair stood behind a stove, a spatula in one hand and a frying pan in the other. She smiled at Shikamaru, opening her mouth to speak but pausing when she spotted the two behind him.

"Shikamaru," She said slowly. "Who are they?"

"Mom, this is Hinami and Kentaro," He sighed. "And you may want to sit down. I have a lot to explain."


"Finally we made it!" Naruto exclaimed.

"We probably would've made it sooner if you hadn't have yelled so enthusiastically at all the people you asked for directions." Himika sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Hey! I got us here, didn't I?" Naruto asked.

"Yes, but it only took forever." Himika chuckled.

"Whatever let's just hurry up and get our rooms." Naruto said.

"Thank Kami I'm sharing with Sakura." Himika replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Naruto roared.

"Nothing Naruto," Himika chuckled. "Nothing at all."


Sorry, been a while since I updated, but I still have things to do for this book. I'm working on rewatching Shippuden as well so bear with me. I've been busy with exams coming up and stuff. So yeah. Hope you liked the chapter though.

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