Part 14

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*One month later* *No ones POV*
Andy and Oliver are now dating. They made it official 3 weeks ago after going on more dates, and they made it public to their fans a few days ago. Oliver would always post photos with Andy together. A lot of people loved them and thought they were cute but most Roadies wanted Randy back and were really sad. Andy talked on TikTok about how he has a boyfriend and said to the Roadies that he's happy so a lot of them were happy for him.
Rye was still with Sophia but he had his reasons for staying with her. All the boys knew that she flirted with Brook except for Andy.
*Andy's POV*
It was Friday. I woke up in my boyfriends bed and saw him asleep. I crawled out of bed after I saw that I slept in because it was already 11 Am. I took an uber home and texted Oliver that I left and that ill see him tonight.
I went home and of course Rye and Brook were the only ones awake.
Andy:"Hey guys good morning."
They were sitting in the Mindy room watching tv because Mikey slept at his girlfriends house as well.
Brook:"Hey Fowler. Good morning."
Rye:"Morning mate."
I put my bag down on my bed and heard the door of my room open and someone walked in. I thought it was Jack or maybe Mikey but I turned around and was surprised to see Harvey. The boys saw that I was really surprised.
Brook:"Oh yeah we forgot to tell you that he got here last night after you left."Brook smiled.
Rye:"He surprised us all."
Harvey smiled bright at me and I went to give him a hug without saying anything.
Mikey came back with some pizza and we all chatted for a while.
Harvey:"So what are you guys doing tonight? Its a Friday."
Jack:"We were actually planning on going to a party that the band was invited to."
Rye:"oh yeah! I forgot about that. So are we going?"
Mikey:"I say we go. We never go to any party. It could be fun. And I think they would love to let Harvey in." Mikey laughed.
We all agreed to go so I asked Oliver if he wanted to come with us and he said yes.
We were all ready for the party and headed out.
We all got to the party together. It was me, Oliver, Rye, Brook, Jack, Mikey, Harvey Charlotte and Sophia. Rye and Sophia came together but they barely talked to eachother.
It seemed like Rye was cold towards her.
*A while later*
We were still at the party talking to some people and making friends and then the boys were ready to leave. I told Oliver that we are leaving but he convinced me to stay a little bit more with him. The boys left the party and I was sitting with Oliver at a table. There were a bunch of girls that he knew so whenever he talked to them he didn't introduce me to them. I felt that he was ashamed to have me as a boyfriend. And I was jealous because it looked like he was flirting with them and me knowing that he liked girls as well mede me jealous and sad. I left the party while he was talking to his 'friends' and I didn't say anything to him. I don't think he even noticed that I left.
I got home and sneaked to my room quietly thinking that everyone would be asleep by now but Mikey, Harvey and Brook were playing video games in our room. Jack was asleep. My feet led me to Rye's room and I opened the door quietly. He looked at me while laying down on his bed and I looked at him.
Andy:"I need a cuddle."

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